If anyone interested there is something going on at Waipio Wendy's. There is usually a gathering with some nice cars there at 6:00p.m I was going there but forgot I got a party to attend, my friend should be there with his GN.
X-Ford and Alky went tdown to Wendy's, It's the Cruise Night,and there are alot of nice cars. I didn't want to be the only one running, so I didn't go. See you guys later!!!
How often do they do the cruise nights at Wendy's???? I've been Looking for something like that for over 3 years now. Are there any others on the island?
Wow, was it THAT crowded last night?? Good thing I didn't go.
Derrick, they have a get together every month,and it changes locations everytime. I'll try to keep you posted, but then again,you better keep asking when the next one is!! The old age is kickin' in!!! Usually X-ford, Alkly, Turbo D and I go to check it out and consume beverages.
Wow! You so busy at work all you can do is talk about your car and your old age! So when are you going to race your car? I have an accord cope that might a HARD RUB!
I guess I'm just as busy as you polishing your rims . Gee, I don't recall talkikng about my car, and you better let me get some new parts before I line up with your Honda. I don't want to be left TOO far behind