Radar detectors - Which is better?


Zap! Commander
May 24, 2001
I have both a K40, and a Bel 540i Super Widband with laser. Which should I use? Which is worth more? Both seem to do the job well, but having two is a waste.
ive had nothing but great results from the Valentine 1 in my Camaro SS and now in my GN. It may be pricey to some but you get what you pay for and there is still nothing better then your gut feeling ie detector plus being vigilante and you cant go wrong.
Yup having two is a waste.

I will take the one want it off your hands. :D

I smell an e-bay auction item..:)

Originally posted by JOHNDEEREGN
Valentine 1 all the way;)
That's what I always thought ,,,,UNTIL I got hit with the "INSTANT on Laser"near the Ohio border..
I got a Valentine about a month ago. Big improvement over my Bel 745Ti. The Bel falsed way too much.

Instant on radar will nail you no matter what detector you have....I usually watch for brake lights ahead of me. If you running along with no cars for a 1/2 mile ahead of you....you're a sitting duck.

I'd take $40 for the Bel if someone wants it.
Radar or laser detectors dont work against instant units. Action (radar) is faster that reaction (detector) save your money and slow down or become a cop and fly like the wind.
Originally posted by RossGN
I got a Valentine about a month ago. Big improvement over my Bel 745Ti. The Bel falsed way too much.

Instant on radar will nail you no matter what detector you have....I usually watch for brake lights ahead of me. If you running along with no cars for a 1/2 mile ahead of you....you're a sitting duck.

I'd take $40 for the Bel if someone wants it.

Since you have the 745 model, I'm going to assume your model is better than mine. You'll only take $40? The Bel must be garbage then. The K40 was close to $300 new. My Bel came with my old Mustang GT.
Originally posted by Two Lane
Out of the 2 you named, keep the Bel if you must. HTH :)

Hmm, you say keep the Bel, while someone else here has a
BETTER Bel than I do and he's only selling it for $40...Who do I believe? I can easily still get $150+ for my K40. It also was rated very well. I have no idea about the price, year, or ratings on my Bel, but both detectors seem to do the job (although both have false alarms). The Bel seems to be a bit louder though...
Originally posted by littlesixsteve
Yup having two is a waste.

I will take the one want it off your hands. :D

I smell an e-bay auction item..:)

Hehehe, but which one? :)

The suggestion to keep one over the other was simply based on overall performance of that brand alone, presuming all else was equal. (same model equivalency/same age,etc.)

Another way to decide:

Which is newer? That makes the presumption the newer one would have more up-to-date and/or improved electronics, which is not necessarily valid.

Not asked was: What would you do with these 2 detectors if they were yours? Answer: Sell them both, add a little change to the proceeds and get a V1. Your driver's license & insurance rates will be forever grateful.

HTH :)