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A) Buy it and crush it so no one else suffers from retina damage like I did looking at it!

B) Enter it in a mud run and when it gets stuck just bury it.

C) Chain Obama to the steering wheel and drive it off a pier and let it sink to the bottom of the ocean where they both belong.

D) Both A and C.

It might not be PC, but I kinda like that "C" option.

Jus' sayin'............
It might not be PC, but I kinda like that "C" option.

Jus' sayin'............

Wait!! Are you saying that I'm not a PC person !!!

I guess you're right, I've never thought of myself as a Personal Computer.
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Wait!! Are you saying that I'm not PC person !!!

I guess you're right, I've never thought of myself as a Personal Computer.

Me????? What ever do you mean?????? :D

I don't believe in labeling someone/anyone.

Well, that is unless they are one of those (insert your bias here) kind of persons ....................... :cautious::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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:stop: looking in the mirror!!!

I believe we wear the same shoes, I'll just leave it at that. :cautious::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

It wasn't meant to be a jab. You understood my point perfectly. No one is immune to bias, no matter how much they try to deny it. It's just a part of human nature.

Me, I still like "C" as an option. ;)
I wasn't jabbing you, I was saying we have commonality in our thoughts and reasoning.

Read between the DAMN lines !!!!!!

I guess I was wrong and I'm just a little more twisted than you.:D:D:D:cool::cool::cool:
I may not be "quite" as twisted but oh, I do have my moments.....

And didn't think what you said was a jab at me, I thought you were being all "sensitive" and thinking I was jabbing at you. HAHAHAHA.

I shoulda' knowed better! :eek::eek::eek:

Someone with a thick skin and warped sense of humor is rare trait to find here on the world wide interwebs, anymore..............

Everyone is a victim these days.

Option "C" is still the winner.
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I don't get sensitive. I get passionate!!!!!!!

I knew you weren't jabbing me. My name isn't GOTHMOG !!!!!