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Rapidly changing LED color and clicking sounds heard...???


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V6 on steroids
Jan 10, 2007
Yesterday as I was getting into the boost (23 psi), I saw the multi color changing LED go from red to green back to red, back to green. I also heard a clicking sound inside the car, sort of like a relay clicking on and off.

I have an alkycontrol alcohol set up.

Any idea on what this is or why this would happen?
It's the same clicking noise if you'd turn the controller on and off, right?

I had this problem, It was my ground wire on the pump. I have it running to the frame rail, and the nut backed itself off.

Check either your ground on the pump or down in your positive in the fuse box and where you have the controller grounded to inside.
It's the same clicking noise if you'd turn the controller on and off, right?

I don't know, I never turned off the controller since the install almost 3 years ago. Also it doesn't always click when going into boost.

The ground wire on the pump was on securely. I know b/c I just did remove it tonight (pump has a small leak) and it was a little hesitant getting off.

Only other things I have done recently that involved the alky system, is I did relocate the remote controller. All I did was unplug and re plug in the "phone jack" quick disconnect.

I also recently removed and replaced the small led lamp but twisted the wires together/electric taped them as I'll have to remove it again soon. I don't suppose a bad connection on the led would cause the change in color?
I'm out of ideas for now...I'd check all connections, which you probably already have done.

Sucks when it only does it intermittently too.
Typically its a poor ground connection of the brown wire(older systems) or white wire(newer systems) at the pump.

The pressure switch is what makes the relay click. Through it creating an "open" condition when the pump makes pressure.

Scenario 1 loose ground wire typically you can hear while simply driving down the road.. the box under the dash will "click"

Scenario 2 you have a liquid leak at the pump and it barely makes 50 PSI pressure.. causing the switch to "bounce" and flip the led back and forth.

Scenario 3.. bad switch on top of pump. Even if the switch is bad/disconnected it wont affect the system from spraying liquid into the motor

If the pump has any type of leak.. it needs to be serviced. maybe the LED was telling you "Hello" I need help here ;)
Thanks Julio. Yes it seems after I got home the leak was worse than it was in the past so I went ahead and removed it from the car so i can ship it out to you tomorrow for service.