Rear seat braces

I wish one of you guys that managed to tackle this so easily would come help me out! :D

I might end up having to do the two inside / two trunk-side method. I'm still not into having to pull the seat and seatbelt crap out yet. Thats just a pain in the balls. I'm not familiar with removing any interior.

Dean: That looks so much simpler to install. Are you sure it gives just as much bracing effect being that they attach closer together on the outward ends? Anyone else comment on his method? I'm not being -too- picky, I just want it to work as best it can, after spending so much time and frustration making some damn bars. :cool:
Well Matt all I can really say is that when I dropped the car and took it for a spin I noticed the difference even before I got off the driveway with mine. As I mentioned the front frame braces are a better mod in that they made the most noticable improvement. But I honestly did notice an improvement with the rear seat braces as well.

Geometrically, the point of the braces is to take a square, which can be relatively easily distorted into a parrallelogram, and convert it into triangles which are much, much less prone to distortion. From what I can recall from physics courses, I don't think the difference in the shape of the triangles is going to make much least not with the minor difference between my setup and the more conventional one. I moved one of four mounting points per side about 5 inches or so. Not a big difference IMHO. HTH. :)
BTW, there is a commercial rear seat brace kit on eBay right now, along with some other braces. Why anyone would pay $70 for something you can make yourself for maybe $8 is beyond me. But there are lots of bids. Anyways you could look here and see how the comercial ones are shaped.
Matt, at the may magna meeting I will show you how to do this. It is so easy it is almost funny. It really isn't a pain in the balls.

Thanks for the info Dean. I'll take your word for it.

Chris: I'll be there May 3rd. Concordville Hooters. :cool: