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You've gotta try this!
Sep 2, 2001
Yes, this is a kill story. Not an incredible kill, but sure was good for a laugh.

I was driving home from work last spring. It was a nice day, windows down, smile on my face (driving the Buick of course). Anyways, I was driving by one of the local high schools as I do everyday on my way home. In my rear view mirror, I see a VW Golf VR6 coming up like he’s in a REAL hurry. One lane each way road and I’m doing 10 over the limit as usual. Two solid lanes so no passing. Sure enough, this was not fast enough for this kid who I figured was in a hurry to get to the upcoming high school. Oh well.. I’m relaxing after a “fun” day at work, I’m not in a hurry. Well.. as we approach an intersection, there is a right turn lane and across the intersection an extra lane for traffic to merge in. I look in the mirror and the kid sure enough is getting a running start and going into the turn lane so he can pass me on the right. OH NO… The kid is at my passenger door in the middle of the intersection when I gently squeeze the throttle. Of course, the ol’ Buick pulls in front… the kid keeps charging, now in the merge-in lane, screaming the VW for all it’s worth. I just keep steadily pushing the gas pedal down further and further, keeping the kid JUST at my back bumper (obviously not WOT). As 80mph approaches, the kid runs outta lane and darts back in behind me NASCAR style. I couldn’t resist… I slow back down to a more police friendly speed and turn left into the high school. YEP.. the kid follows right in. This was turning out TOO well…

Well, in Maryland, your license plates can be vanity plates of course, but can also say that you belong to an organization or profession like fire department, bar association, etc. I was hoping the kid had read my plates. I pulled up next to the kid with the most sinister grin. Seeing as I look pretty young (age 28 at the time) and was pretty sure the kid wasn’t aware of who and what he just tangled with I had only one thing to say. “I hope you know you just got BEAT by a teacher!” My license plates say on the bottom “SUPPORT EDUCATION” Even though I was leaving my school for the day, I’m so glad that I still provided an education for some kid that didn’t know better. Volkswagen dismissed!
Speaking of teachers, I'm a substitute in my county. I recently subbed a couple weeks ago. One kid was telling me about his "BMW" Mini Cooper. He said it had an aftermarket supercharger and made close to 300hp at the wheels. He said it ran 10.8 at Commerce.

I'll be subbing again at that shcool on Monday. I hope I see him and his car. I've got some money in my wallet and I'll be in my Mustang this time instead of my Suburban. :D
why dont i have subs at my school like you?! ever think of moving to texas?;)
