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Lou's Automotive 949-378-1590
Jun 23, 2001
What is the current estimated market value of a GNX with 30,000 miles in excellent condition.Mr.Clark if you read this give me your opinion.
Hi Lou,

Long time, no talk.

Without particulars, it's a hard call but I'll go out on a limb anyway. I'd peg in the $60K range in this market with caveats. For example, a stronger mid-mileage car could easily approach the $70's or higher, with a weaker example (e.g. paint issues, switched out turbo, missing docs or accessories) would be down into the $50's somewhere, depending on the degree of those deficiencies.

That being said, exceptions seem to be the rule and so much depends on condition, completeness, and provenance (history) including title status. There are still a few very nice mid-mileage cars that have changed hands in the high $60K and low $70K range privately-- yes, even in this challenging market.

Hope this perspective helps.

Take care,
What is the current estimated market value of a GNX with 30,000 miles in excellent condition.Mr.Clark if you read this give me your opinion.

its easy to state the value of a commodity like a normal car since you can look it up anywhere-------but a car as limited in availability as a GNX is another thing-------as always the answer is "whatever a buyer with money is willing to pay for an available car at a given time"-------that said Doug pretty much hit it on the money------but under the right conditions it could vary quite a bit------i recently turned down a chance to buy a really nice low mile (less than 10K) for 65--------there was a time that i couldn't have written the check fast enough for such a deal--------personally as messed up as our national economy is at the time i am being uncharacteristically cautious.............RC
its easy to state the value of a commodity like a normal car since you can look it up anywhere-------but a car as limited in availability as a GNX is another thing-------as always the answer is "whatever a buyer with money is willing to pay for an available car at a given time"-------that said Doug pretty much hit it on the money------but under the right conditions it could vary quite a bit------i recently turned down a chance to buy a really nice low mile (less than 10K) for 65--------there was a time that i couldn't have written the check fast enough for such a deal--------personally as messed up as our national economy is at the time i am being uncharacteristically cautious.............RC
Richard maybe I'm wrong but there seems to be a glut of GNX'S & people unloading them as well as other collector cars. I was fortunate to find a buyer for mine at $59,000 I have seen this before. The value of these cars will come back with a vengeance.All I can say if you have the cash it's getting to be a buyers market for sure. Regards Lou
Richard maybe I'm wrong but there seems to be a glut of GNX'S & people unloading them as well as other collector cars. I was fortunate to find a buyer for mine at $59,000 I have seen this before. The value of these cars will come back with a vengeance.All I can say if you have the cash it's getting to be a buyers market for sure. Regards Lou

buyers market isn't the word for it--------last week i went to an auction of a machine shop--------built in 1999-------300,000 sq ft building------some of the stuff was not even 3 years old--------they had lots of customers but their largest was doing contract work for Caterpiller----------over 50 CNC vertical and horizontal maching centers------top notch stuff like Mazak-Cincinnati-Mori Seiki-Toyoda-Okuma-Ikegai-Rockford-Miyano-and some i don't remember--------in excellent to like new condition-------not a single unit went for more than 6 grand and most went for less than 5K-------as someone that once paid 200K for such items it is a shock------they had robotic welding and painting lines that didn't bring the cost of moving them--------a lot of money can be made right now by wise buying for those that can wait it out and still believe that this mess can ever be fixed-------but its gonna be a LONG wait-------I for one believe that the worst is yet to come-------this so called "recovery" is a lull before the storm..........RC
buyers market isn't the word for it--------last week i went to an auction of a machine shop--------built in 1999-------300,000 sq ft building------some of the stuff was not even 3 years old--------they had lots of customers but their largest was doing contract work for Caterpiller----------over 50 CNC vertical and horizontal maching centers------top notch stuff like Mazak-Cincinnati-Mori Seiki-Toyoda-Okuma-Ikegai-Rockford-Miyano-and some i don't remember--------in excellent to like new condition-------not a single unit went for more than 6 grand and most went for less than 5K-------as someone that once paid 200K for such items it is a shock------they had robotic welding and painting lines that didn't bring the cost of moving them--------a lot of money can be made right now by wise buying for those that can wait it out and still believe that this mess can ever be fixed-------but its gonna be a LONG wait-------I for one believe that the worst is yet to come-------this so called "recovery" is a lull before the storm..........RC
Sorry for this but the only ones stupid enough to believe that were in a recovery are the same ones that voted for Obama
Sorry for this but the only ones stupid enough to believe that were in a recovery are the same ones that voted for Obama

i agree-------facts don't influence them------and neither does common sense--------its a different agenda altogether-------use credit to spend your way to prosperity.............RC
were all in the same boat.

I took my last two dollars out of the Bank and put them in my pants pocket.
Then.. my wife come along and says I'm doing laundry...........:frown:
oh well!
I took my last two dollars out of the Bank and put them in my pants pocket.
Then.. my wife come along and says I'm doing laundry...........:frown:
oh well!

BOY AINT THAT THE TRUTH! I think this coming year going to be ruff.
Hi Lou,

Long time, no talk.

Without particulars, it's a hard call but I'll go out on a limb anyway. I'd peg in the $60K range in this market with caveats. For example, a stronger mid-mileage car could easily approach the $70's or higher, with a weaker example (e.g. paint issues, switched out turbo, missing docs or accessories) would be down into the $50's somewhere, depending on the degree of those deficiencies.

That being said, exceptions seem to be the rule and so much depends on condition, completeness, and provenance (history) including title status. There are still a few very nice mid-mileage cars that have changed hands in the high $60K and low $70K range privately-- yes, even in this challenging market.

Hope this perspective helps.

Take care,

Those numbers are pretty optimistic to say the lease considering #456 just sold about 6 months ago for under $40K and it had 26,000 miles. Pretty much falls in the same category of this 30K mile car.

Right now, I would say that it is priced about right. Don't think it is worth much more than $35K. Not now anyway.