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Revenge on a Malibu!!!


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Active Member
Aug 8, 2007
Well tonight i shock the Malibu boy's. About 6mo ago i was at a hang out spot, and a guy with a Malibu with 28/10.5 slicks, stoke 400 to God know's what 406,421, or 434. Any way he egg me on, and i say your car is on a trailer, has not interior, no A/C, and only weighs 2800lbs, my car was driven here, and has all stock engine, any we race, like a fool i follow him out the gate, i lost by 2 car's. 2 weeks ago his friend come's up saying the guy has upgraded his car, and he want to really shame a GN, i say let me start the race, he say ok. Today they say i cant give you nothing but a beat down(they use more colorful words) i say fine lets do it for $1000. I hear he has installed a power glide tran's, tran's break, and a 8.5 rear. Oh, but i to have been upgrading:biggrin:. I say to myself(what ever you do dont follow him out the hole) I get some year old VHT i had under my car, tell my freind Sam to spray the tire's, and let me turn them over. I have my to boy's 10, and 7 with me, my 7yr old says Daddy a street car cant beat a trailer car! I say we will see. He cranks the Malibu, and it shakes the ground, my kids eye:eek:. We line up, i only raise the RPMs to 1,800, the flag man get's out the road, i hear the Malibu raise his RPM to 4,000+. Then BAM!! I stab i to the floor, the Malibu move almost the exact same time. We off, the GN pulls ahead a half car, and it shift's to 2nd, his car has for sure got a power glide! He shift once, and start to gain ever so slowly, i see him pull to my door, the GN shift to 3rd, i gain a foot, he starts to pull again, i reach down turn the boost up 2pounds, and BAM, GN pulls a car ahead:biggrin:, and that's how it ended. He say's he cant belive i beat him, and shall return, i said( That's what i would do). Now they said i sprayed him, sure i did, with BOOST!!!
did he pay up?:biggrin::biggrin: thats the way to lay the smack down on him!!!!:biggrin:
Paid in full! He just knew he had me beat, i can't tell you the look on his face as i let him pull along side me:D, he smile as if he was going to pass me, and i just pulled away. His face went from smile's to :eek:. I must say his car is really fast, but not fast enough.

A thousand bucks should buy you some more speed.:D I'm thinking, ported heads. Thanks for shareing.


Mike B.
Yeah, i really need more header's. I have a very bad Exh leak, thinking i can gain power there.
nice kill

now use his money:biggrin: to make your car faster:biggrin: to make more money:biggrin:. a simple case of supply and demand.....
The guy in the Malibu want's to race again, think he has added new power? Think i will add some C16 to the tank this time.
If anyone got a cell phone number i can send a poor video of the race, i dont know how to upload the video.