Rice does it again

Originally posted by DCEPTCN
That's it. I'm gonna strangle the next ricer I see....god they're just so stupid that they anger me.

Too bad you didnt think of it, or you'd be singing a different tune.

Ricers may be annoying, but they spend a lot of cash to be unique. Not like the el-cheapo, get everything for a group discount or I will make it myself Buick people
the only reason tires are commonly black is because thats the dye that tire makers decided to add to the rubber, thats not their natural color. Just as they add black to tires they can add just about any color. Colored tires have been around in the cycling scene for ages.

Not that I would run non black tires, just pointing out that a person may be conditioned to believe that black is the natural color of tire rubber when thats not the case.
Originally posted by TurboJim
Too bad you didnt think of it, or you'd be singing a different tune.

Ricers may be annoying, but they spend a lot of cash to be unique. Not like the el-cheapo, get everything for a group discount or I will make it myself Buick people
You're totally right. I admire the entrepreneur who cashes in on rediculous trends....it's those partaking in the trends that I harbor disdain for.

'El-cheapo'? You must have gotten a special-edition Buick because mine has NEVER been cheap!;)
'El-cheapo'? You must have gotten a special-edition Buick because mine has NEVER been cheap

I am with you on that, I think Buick owners nickle and dime vendors. However we always end up paying anyway. I think the reason we whine and cry is, most Buick owners have families and mortgages.

Most ricers that I know still live home with Mom and Dad:rolleyes:
As gay as these tires are, I hope they at least make a tire that makes a rainbow when they do a burnout to show how gay they are. :)
Call me gay but I think a tire that emitted black smoke would be bad ass. Espiecially for our cars, seeing a huge cloud of black smoke.
Ty will be the Ginnie pig, anyone have a hook on colored tires for a TTA

Anybody got a hook on colored tires for a TTA:confused:

Ty can that roach turn the tires
Originally posted by TurboJim
Ricers may be annoying, but they spend a lot of cash to be unique.

I wholeheartedly agree. I'm thinking about opening a Ricer Shop when I get out. Those clowns spend so much money, i'd be happy to see it go into my pocket.

My first idea: coloured serpantine belts.
Originally posted by TT/A1233
My Impala (yup, I have an Impala) couldn't get out of it's own way 0-60 so spinning them just isn't possible! :p

Dean are these tires legal, Ty wants them:confused: :eek:
The tire smoke is a bit excessive I have to admit, but those drifting cars are hardly to be considered rice. Those cars IMO are an engineering feat and I respect almost any car the japanese make weather it be for racing or not. But in this case colored tire smoke is just plain gay.