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Ride Tech Facebook Contest...Go Vote For A Fellow GN!


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Feb 21, 2007
Hey guys, Ride Tech is hosting a contest on their FB page for customers who either have or want Ride Tech products. Right now my GN is tied for first with 11 votes/likes. Just wanted to throw this out to the board and see of we can't get a few more votes between now and Tuesday when the voting ends. I'm the only Turbo Buick in the mix (there's a g body Monty in there too) but it'd be cool to see something other than a 69 Camaro or 57 Chevy win, and show em the Turbo Buick community is represented in the autox world too! Thanks in advance. I've attached pictures showing the contestname and the pic of my car you need to go like to vote. Thanks guys!
Voted! You have 20 votes as of right now, the most votes of any car entered! The next one close has 12 votes... Let's keep voting for Mike!
Thanks for all the help and keep em coming! I dropped to second behind a 71 Vette. He's got over 30 votes and I'm at 22 or 24. Getting close!
It's official, the GN takes the win!!! Thanks alot to all of you who voted and helped out, it is much appreciated! It's good motivation to get the car back out autocrossing and educating people about the dark side!