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Running wires through firewall


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Jun 7, 2001
With alky kits, wb02 sensors, and everything else being run from under the hood to inside the passenger compartment, I'm just wondering where everyone's favorite places are to run wiring through the firewall. I've got to run all of the above through mine. Some of those cables are pretty thick. Any ideas???
i have run several through the passenger side kick panel area by the door jam. behind the ecm there is a hole that goes through to the door jam area (think its the atenna wire hole) and i run it there and into the fender and out the hole on the inner fender. only problem with this is you have to pull the end of the connector apart and run the wires as its not big enough to run the connector through. i have done this with a MAP wire and my XFI WBO2 wire. looks super clean.
There's the throttle cable grommet on the drivers side. You can run 8-10 wires through there.

For the wideband I used the hole where the Vac lines run through on the passenger side. Pull the black plug out run your wires and put it back in.

There's also the shifter cable
Thanks for the replies. I bought a unibit last night which was too big for my drill. I'll probably end up using the hole with the vacuum lines. Thanks again.
Take the unibit to a machine shop and have them turn down the part that goes into the chuck to something that will fit your drill....unless you returned it already.

3/8" drill and a 1" or larger Greenlee punch. :smile:

Don't forget a plastic or rubber grommet or file the edges smooth.