Save a rottweiler from the pound please !!


May 24, 2001
Sad story - my stupid Ginny neighbor (yes I am Italian) has a rottweiler in his yard he has had for 3 years raised with his 3 or 4 (I forget) young daughters. the guy never talks to me yet tonight he asks me if I know anyone who wants a rottweiler that "he doesnt have time" for the dog. He keeps the poor dog outside
all the time, and as I type, the poor dog is outside in the dark
in his yard. he walks him every now and then, and I go and pet the dog all the time, but now he says " maybe I can get $100 or $200 for the dog or if you know anyone or I'll just bring it to the pound " If anyone is interested please e-mail me at PNYKLRCJ93@AOL.COM and I will forward the information ASAP to the guy I just feel really bad for the dog and if I didnt have 2 and 4 cats I would take him myself !!
I used to have two female Rots and they were probably the best dogs I've ever had. Most people were scared of them but Sophie had her own pillow in the living room and she would eat potato chips with my Dad.:) Shelby was mine and the two of them were like peas in a pod.
After my parents got divorced the dogs went to my friends house, he said he would keep them. At the time, I lived with my Grandparent's but I hadn't bought their house yet so I wasn't able to keep them. Well, one day I came home to find Shelby in the backyard. I heard Sophie went to my cousin's friend's house in St. Louis. Anyway, I was happy for a day. Came home the next day and my mom had given her away. Still don't know what happened to my dogs :( :mad: :( :mad: :mad: I don't and never will speak to her so I probably will never know.
Sorry for the rant, I wish I lived closer because I would give that dog a very good home. I hope this story has a happy ending.:)
I hope so too (i think you can have a dog shipped to you on a plane not that expensively)
I've owned two Rottweilers and while I think they can make great pets, I would strongly advise against letting one into your house if you are not completely familiar with it's upbringing.

My young children used to step all over my female sprawled out in the middle of the kitchen sleeping and she never so much as snapped at them when she was awoken from a deep sleep by a toddler crashing down on her legs. Heck the neighborhood kids used to ride her. Of course that's the temperment you'd expect of a Rottweiler named "Daisy". ;)

My male I had to return to the breeder at about six months of age due to a temperment problem that I could not correct with the help of one of Western Canada's foremost obedience trainers. That dog liked to bite my two youngest children (4 and 6) and any other kid that made the mistake of putting his or her hands through our chain link fence. After owning the female I thought the breed was a pu$$ycat and that all the problems were due to bad owners. After owning the male I realized/remembered what the breed was bred for and understood that bad things can happen to good owners.

Sorry for the spiel. Again though taking in an adult Rottweiler, or any large breed, requires careful consideration.
If he doesn't want the dog, do your best to have him give it to a no kill shelter so it can get a good home.

If he won't agree, well, while I don't like to condone illegal activity, I would do it myself. Get a few friends if need be, and take the dog. Bring him to a no kill shelter and tell them you found it as a stray.