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Saw a GN in Ann Arbor today


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Lone Wolf
May 24, 2001
Around 1-1:30 heading West on Eisenhower towards Ann Arbor Saline road.


Was very clean :-)
Dodge those rain drops,I,ve been wanting to go out for a quick spin
but ..damn fall is here. This cooler weather is just awesome for our buicks! :biggrin:

You in the Ann Arbor area?

I was out cruising tonight for an hour and a half. Perfect weather :-)
I wish I could have drove mine was nice. Too bad I got the car running just a few days ago and then took it around the block and the flippin powermaster goes out again AND my A/C compressor! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: So now I gotta wait until Tuesday to drive this thing again...Bill are we having another gathering soon? I know it's getting pretty cold more and more each week.
D! No, I don't have any plans for an official gathering this fall. I was trying to do one at our bidness (yeah, I said bidness) but things got busier than expected ($$$$) and the weekend I had in mind got booked by a rental.

I would like to get some TR's together for a cool fall gathering somewhere before the salt covers the roads.

Any ideas?
Renthorin, no i'm in canton.
Yeah i saw the sun yesterday but i have my ic pipes out for powder coat
along w/ my 4" maf.
So it figures it would clear up.No worries though I get my car out as much as
possilble in the winter months.

I vote for a feb. woodward cruise! lol. :biggrin: