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Scan Tool?


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Nov 5, 2002
My wife has a 97 GTP and the SES light just came on. I would like to purchase a scan tool so it can be used in other cars as well. I was looking at one from , are these any good? I need something that is user friendly, as I now very little about this OBD 2 system. Also her car doesn't have traction control, it has a traction enhancer. What does the traction enhancer do? I'm guessing that it just pulls timing and fuel out of the engine.:confused: What can I do to bypass this TE?
i'm using the alex pepper scanner from the site you far i am happy with it
it has more data variables then i could ever use, plus alex always puts out updates, and takes requests for new functions

is there not a button to disable it, on the dash somewhere?
i see almost a 2 sec difference in 0-60 with control on
kshef, There is no button to disable it. 97 were the only year that had the traction enhancer. In 98 they came out with the traction control, which had the button. From what I understand, the traction control models uses brakes to help control traction. Mine doesn't.
You can pull a fuse if you want, but it disables power steering too.

I just use autotap to see everything.

If you don't want to buy a scantool you can go to your local parts store and they usually have a scanner and will pull codes for free.
TRYMY231S, Which fuse do I pull? I might as well by a scan tool as I still want to be able to work on the newer cars. I just want one that is user friendly.
Man I forget off the top of my head. Look in the owner's manual. If I remember next time I'm in the car I'll look. I take the two dollar cab to the train in order to get to work so that might be a couple of days. :D It might be different than yours cause I know there are some deviations in model years.
with traction control you can pull the ABS fuse to disable it,

when you spin can you tell something is going on? my car when i have TC on i hear the ABS working

you can try pulling the ABS fuse and see if it helps, but i wouldn't leave it out for obvious reasons
I read somewhere that my car doesn't use the ABS system to control traction. It stated that the 97-year models didn't have a sufficient ABS system to control the added power of the supercharged engines, in 98 the cars came with an enhanced ABS system that would control the power. Something is defiantly going on because if it spins hard it will fall on it's a$$, then it takes it a little while for the power to come back. I'm thinking that the PCM if pulling timing and fuel out, but I don't know for sure.:confused: If the car slightly spins, as in a hook/spin then it doesn't do any thing as far as loosing power. I've tried to do a burnout by setting the emergency break, and it want do it.:mad: :mad: On the window sticker, it clearly says "Traction Enhancer" not "Traction Control".