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Scanmaster engine tech


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Active Member
Jun 29, 2012
So here are my readings since engine was put back in & these are at 180deg temps at idle in park- O2's- 500-550, af-04, L8- 29-30, bat-13.7-14.1(fan on), int-128, bl-137, ats-94, r-825-850, tps-.42(idle), iac-08, cc-18-260, nal-00, fuel pressue at (38 with vac line on). Does anything look off to ya'll?? Thanks!

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
BLMS look a tad high, but not anything crazy. Check for vacuum leaks. Also, your maf appears to read a little low, but again, nothing completely abnormal.
The maf is 3" w/ translator, huge k&n with 4" elbow into maf, 3" to turbo. & what should my blm read? im not that familiar with the scanmaster & how to read it except for coolant temp & 02's & tps & rpm's, the rest might as well be greek lol

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
In a perfect environment and the engine running perfect, BLMS should be at 128. Now +- 10 of 128 has been said to be fine, but I have seen quite a few posts and even my vehicle myself run very close to 128 almost all the time.
What is BLMS exactly? i dont even know what thats telling me or reading.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Block learn management system

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Thanks pronto, i bought my sm used so i never had a manual, i will study this for sure.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
What should i look for to help lower the blm readings? How can i tune or fix that?

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
So here are my readings since engine was put back in & these are at
180deg temps at idle in park-
O2's- 500-550,
L8- 29-30,
bat-13.7-14.1(fan on),
fuel pressue at (38 with vac line on).

Does anything look off to ya'll?? Thanks!

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

In open loop idle the 02's are showing a little lean. IME with a open loop idle and TT or Ext chips they are in the 600-700's range at idle.
AF is low normal more near 6-7 at idle typical.
BLM shows ECM adding some fuel typically 128 +/_ 10 is ok
IAC is low for my liking, i like it more around 20 at idle and of course it will be a lil higher in gear.
Fuel psi seems high with vac present with decent vac its usually a little lower. What is it line off?
43 psi line off. How do i raise the iac to where it should be?

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
& it is a tt chip. is there a way to clean or calibrate the maf? i do have a translator with a 3" maf by the way

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