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New Member
Oct 13, 2001
a ford probe gt tried messin with my tr yesterday. i was goin down a small 2 lane road right behind a school and the speedlimit is like 20 mph. i was goin just about 25 and the probe pulled up behind me. i guess that was too slow for him, he started riding my ass. so i slowed down to 20 to piss him off. he probably thought he would just cruise by my grandma lookin car. he got in the other lane and got on it a little. so i got on it a little to stay even with him. a car came from the other direction so he had to slow down and get behind me. he looked so pissed.
next time he tries and jumps on it. so i really get into it. i got about 1 carlength ahead and figured hed quit, but he wouldnt give up. i was goin probably over 80. i went over a little bump on one of the small turns and fishtailed some, it scared the crap out of me i havent done that before in this car. finally after that he gives up, gets back behind me and obeys the speedlimit for the last mile. IM NOT ALWAYS BREAKING THE LAWS I ENFORCE THEM TOO:D
probe gts

There is this kid by my house who has one of those, has it all riced out, fart can and everything. Sounds like a weedwacker going down the road:p
nice user name bb87:cool:

nice job dude. i hate those probes. they look so dumb. and slow. keep it up;)
I wasnt trying to pimp your name BB84 but I didnt see your name until after I signed on and then it was too late:eek: I almost bought an 84 before I got my 87, too
Originally posted by BlackBuick84
i hate those probes. they look so dumb. and slow. keep it up;)
some1 has bad taste.:mad: and they are only slow to certain cars ;)
i ate one of those recently. a car full of kids, jumped the light to the right of me. i eased into it and blew by them in a second even though they were a half a block ahead to start. got to the next light and they were like "what's that, a monte carlo? they were videotaping the events, so i said "nope, grand nash!! i built some boost, and left them about a block behind when i launched. what fun!
So a guy wanted to pass you because you were doing 25 mph so you slowed down even more, and then while he tried to pass you, you sped up so he couldn't pass and could have created a head on collision between him and another car ???? Am i getting this story right??:confused: Do you know that YOU would have been held at least partly responsible if anything happened?
Originally posted by GNSCOTT
So a guy wanted to pass you because you were doing 25 mph so you slowed down even more, and then while he tried to pass you, you sped up so he couldn't pass and could have created a head on collision between him and another car ???? Am i getting this story right??:confused: Do you know that YOU would have been held at least partly responsible if anything happened?

Dude should have just stayed in his lane and off peoples asses.I don't let folks road bully me either,tuff dookie if you are in a hurry,I am too. None shall pass!:D
yea, but would it have been tough dookie for the innocent driver coming the other way if you caused them to collide??
Originally posted by GNSCOTT
yea, but would it have been tough dookie for the innocent driver coming the other way if you caused them to collide??

Well after going back and reading again I see we both read it differently.I was thinking this guy was going to the right of
quickbrick to pass and not over a double Yellow,95% of us would not allow a Probe to pass in any way whatsover,it's just the way it is when you have a powerful vehicle and a weaker one tries to overtake you.Stupid? yes, but that is most guys first reaction,the eye is connected to the right foot- bypassing the brain completely,we have all done it at one time or another.I have seen plenty of OLD men doing this as well.
I experience these type of probe drivers described in this thread. It is very rude to rush on someones' tail when they are doing the speed limit.

Some drivers feel that driving is a right when actually it's a privalige.

I'm just saying respect the other driver that is being good on the highway.:)

...And some day the probe driver will realize this fact without hurting someone.