Sean Penn's GN Stolen

I hate to see any GN stolen. I wouldn't even wish it on a moron like Sean Penn. He was probably on his way to a war protest rally. Also interesting how he has a "concealed weapons" permit in California. If you are Joe Citizen, good luck trying to get one of those in CA. Of course if you are rich and famous we all know the laws of society don't apply. Just ask OJ Simpson. :rolleyes:
I guess when you are a millionaire and can afford to go buy another one you can be pretty relaxed about it.
I was wondering about the Glock too. Since when can you have a loaded weapon in a car if its not under your direct control?

I remember hearing that he had one at some point. I didnt realize he still had it, and actually drove it. Bet it was super nice thats for sure. Much as I disagree with his politics, I hope he gets it back and the useless thief goes to jail.
Maybe he gave it to his buddy Saddam Hussein as a getaway car, then reported it stolen when he realized he was an brain dead idiot, for being a "murderous thug enabler".

Who ever stole his car is actually less of a worthless POS than sean is.
man when my el camino was stolen it was never on the news... thats such BS... considering he can get another car very easily, and i had to work my ass off to get that car the way it was, then i built it, then i lost it... to make it even better the cop that was directing traffic in the parking lot.. .didnt believe me... he said that i probably parked it some where where i didnt look.. its BS how just because he's famous that he gets such coverage because his car was stolen...

Stop crying. If you want celebrity status, then work toward becoming a celebrity. Perhaps then the details of your lives will become interesting to the public. The post wasn't even started in order to bash Sean Penn and look where it mostly went.
Originally posted by RealFastV6
I was wondering about the Glock too. Since when can you have a loaded weapon in a car if its not under your direct control?

I agree, law states, you must have control over your weopond at ALL times. If his guns are used in a crime,or even If some kid gets ahold of It and shots himself, he is held responsible for It.
I hope he gets it back, I read an interview with him one time and he mentioned it and how much he liked it. Who cares about his political views he still got something taken that was his, and he must have somewhat good taste to own a GN lol.
Originally posted by G-boz
I agree, law states, you must have control over your weopond at ALL times. If his guns are used in a crime,or even If some kid gets ahold of It and shots himself, he is held responsible for It.

I'm not familiar with the law, but I know here in Texas that there are a lot of places you can not take a Concealed gun, so what are you supposed to do with it. I think it is perfectly legal to keep it in your car, if he leaves it at home and gets his house broken into and somebody takes the gun and shoots somebody with it, is it still his fault? Either way it was not under his control.
I know in CT, you're not allowed to keep a loaded gun in your car. The exception is if you have a concealed carry permit, you can have it loaded and in your car if its under your direct control (carrying). In other words, you can't just leave a loaded gun under your seat, or in your glove box. I guess it could vary state to state.

Anyways this wasn't the point of the thread.
Tell us how you really feel. I think it must of been a slow news day that this was even reported. Have to wonder how ole Saddam likes driving a GN anyway.. LOL It's all about karma... You do bad things and bad things happen to you...
Sean will understand the thief came from a disadvantaged background and may want to set him up in business, perhaps running a Used Car Lot of his own.
another self proclamed coke head with a pistol permit and guess what 2 more guns on the street! ps:just having a cigarette,inhale.
" I wouldn't even wish it on a moron like Sean Penn. He was
probably on his way to a war protest rally"

negitive just gonna cop a few grams.