Well the new T is up and flying so time for security update as it seems theft has not dropped off on these cars. First and foremost the steadfast column guard is a great first addition helping stop the quick column smash and drive-off. So I did that. 2nd the old kill switch get inventive on what you kill ecm ? fuel pump? starter? ing module? or ??... do what I did and kill 2 this helps your odds for the love of god don't stick a shiny chrome flip switch under your dash somewhere.
. Next we have the alarm .. for personal reasons I prefer silent alarms... Like If I'm close Your ass will get shot or stabbed I always have something with me :biggrin: Now you need a small hidden battery to power this alarm any good thief will have the power cut to an alarm in just a few seconds. A stand alone unit will buy you valuable time, I always use a gps tracking type very affordable these days with 5 warnings I use, 1 e-mail me at work This pops up instant on my monitor at work, 1 text msg, and 3 calls my house and cell, my wifes cell set odd ring tone so you know right away.
At home we wired up a motion sensor outside that when tripped starts recording and has a live internet simulcast home and office pc have popup window when it starts and I get a e-mail.(mobile e-mail alerts are cool
) Lastly the old hurst dual roll control. I use that for quick stops mounted down low and hidden best as possible runs off the alarm battery so mash brakes set and it will stay even key off and out they have a very small draw and can run several days but again I just use this for the short mall / store trips this prevents the quick tow all 4 wheels locked people will notice a car being dragged.
Now this may sound like overkill but it can all be setup and done in 1 day and it last for yrs and yrs. Why and I anal ? had a truck stolen yrs ago and attempted theft of one of my cars in Fells point. Lucky I was close and was able to slam the guys head in my door jab about 30 times needless to say he did not get the car.
I really hate hearing about stolen cars here do yourself a favor be vigilante. 10-1 theifs are reading this board to learn where our cars are. just make it way to hard for them.

At home we wired up a motion sensor outside that when tripped starts recording and has a live internet simulcast home and office pc have popup window when it starts and I get a e-mail.(mobile e-mail alerts are cool

Now this may sound like overkill but it can all be setup and done in 1 day and it last for yrs and yrs. Why and I anal ? had a truck stolen yrs ago and attempted theft of one of my cars in Fells point. Lucky I was close and was able to slam the guys head in my door jab about 30 times needless to say he did not get the car.
I really hate hearing about stolen cars here do yourself a favor be vigilante. 10-1 theifs are reading this board to learn where our cars are. just make it way to hard for them.