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Shifter Cable Thread


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I have a hose/cable place down here that does marine application cables and they had what was needed to make it work. The best part was that they only charged $30 and it is an indestructible piece! I would check around your area...down here in south Florida there are tons of places to choose from...not sure if u have the same luck there....

Hey I'm in need of one also, can you post up the phone number of the hose/cable place you got yours fixed. I'm also in S. Fl.
I too used a Pioneer brand cable. It lasted less than a week! What a piece of junk, the end pulled right out of it!
Ended up buying the ATP Y-651, it's been working great ever since.
Just purchased a ATP Y-651, seems like a perfect fit..I have not installed it, but compared to orig GM, looks like a good replacement...
Bought though Amazon...
That shoul work for you just fine. Make sure you use the right clips to mount it.
They are not the same as brake hose retaining clips.
My fiberglass cloth and epoxy wrap is still holding up, but sure would like to get a custom HD replacement.....
The correct cable I bought years ago from NAPA is 620-2366 which is the correct length 26.15" as in the first post made by Pioneer automotive Industries even though its labeled Balkamp made for Napa .# CA1130 12months 12,000 miles warranty. I wrote it down on the puter yrs ago as I bought the wrong one and lenght the first time.

However mine broke about 2yrs later I went to B&M super cable you just have to have and find the right end piece on the transmission end then it'll work perfect. Its been in mine for over 5yrs. I first saw it on the GMhightech per. mag on the editors car when Eric was doing something to his trans but my end isn't like his. cable's alot longer than the 26" and I have to agjust it every now and then been meaning to fix it permanent but haven't had the time. However its Never broke. I'm gonna get the correct end on it one day... the gear shifter end fits perfect.