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Shurflo Pump Rebuild Kits 8000-543-236


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buh bye
May 25, 2001

If you're running the Shurflo pump 8000-543-236 and need to rebuild it, Shurflo makes and sells a variety of kits to rebuild the unit (after 3 and a half years the diaphragm on my pump got swollen and could not build any pressure.)

I have received a document from Shurflo with an exploded view and rebuild kit part numbers. Is there any place I can upload this to so its available to all members?
Drop me the part numbers and i'll host them. Or put them here and anyone who searches can find them. Are these parts available through Northern or direct from Shureflow? And how much?

BTW, good job
any of you guys need parts direct from sure flow i can help you out as i deal with them somtimes daily

Pump Rebuild Kit Part Numbers 8000-543-236

Here are the rebuild kit part numbers you can order from Shurflo or one of their distributors. I don't know if Northern stocks or sells these..

1)Complete Pump Head 94-380-02
2)Switch Assembly 94-375-05
3) Check Valve Assembly 94-374-05
4) Upper Housing 94-379-00
5)Valve Assembly (Standard) 94-390-05
6)Diaphragm N/A
7)Drive Assembly N/A
8)Motor 11-111-00
9)Valve Assembly (Bypass) N/A
10) Solid Diaphragm/Drive Assembly 94-385-32
Have you gotten it worthwhile? Or better to spend the 60 and get a new one?