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Singer George Michael has died at the age of 53


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Who would've ever thought that excessive drug usage & a homosexual lifestyle might lead to an early demise? :eek:
Who would've ever thought that excessive drug usage & a homosexual lifestyle might lead to an early demise? :eek:
A sort of Russian Roulette one could say. I was unaware of any current and excessive drug usage yet I see how that could be a issue that the general public was unaware of. He was quite the wordsmith/song writer and from what I have read through the decades a genuinely good person.

Some people who survived the excess of the '80s, my self included, will never sit in that rocking chair on the front porch telling cloudy stories while others do, life is a trip like that.
How bout the video " I want your sex " back in the late 80's early 90's . He may have been gay but those girls in that video made a young guy like me pay attention to MTV , RIP George M
Oh not to forget the fine ass blonde in the vid " Freedom "
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Just when you thought there couldn't possibly be any more celebrity deaths in 2016... Then WHAM!
Just when you thought there couldn't possibly be any more celebrity deaths in 2016... Then WHAM!

Who all did we loose this year?

George Michael
David Bowie
Muhammad Ali
Arnold Palmer
John Glenn
And let us knot forget our own highest posting and most liked member CharlieF1

This year has been brutal.
However, as George Michel's T-shirt said, "Choose live".
With that, I'm fondly remembering those that are no longer with us, and optimistically going to give it all I've got for the next year.
Over 125 people involved to one degree or another with the entertainment industry, passed away in 2016, so far.
And, unfortunately, we don't seem to be done yet. Today, Debbie Reynolds (Carrie Fisher's mom) died also. :(