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smc alky kit, how hard to install?


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New Member
May 28, 2001
i have been thinking about the next mods for my gn and i would like to get an smc alky kit but how hard is this thing to install and how hard is this to use since im not the greatest tuner when it comes to these cars?
It's easy. Not hard to figure out. I didn't take my fan housing out like the direstions said. I just loosened it enough to get the screws through to mount the clamps that hold the tank. Run a cable that connects to the tank to the control unit. Run a hose that T-taps in to the boost line and supply power and ground and it is good to go. I did mine a year ago and have slept and had a few beers since then so I may be forgetting something.
Very easy

Comes with good instructions. Hardest part for me was deciding which fuse to stick the hot wire in (never messed with the fuse panel before). Once I figured out to stick it in the ignition on plug all was good. Also had a little trouble getting the T connector into my boost line. Had to trim the plastic line that came with it a bit to get it in. All of that took an extra 10 min. It took me about 90 min to install and I was being extra cautious.

Hooking up the positive an negative can be daunting if you haven't done electrical stuff on your car, but even if you haven't all you do is attach a spade end on the cable and slide it right into one of the open slots on the fues box. The screw on the upper left hand side of the fuse box is a ground so that is pretty easy too.

The hardest part for me was drilling the dang hole in the pipe. Looked like the preverbial monkey humping a football since I didn't have a vice to hold it.

It is a very easy install. 1-1.5 hours total, and I could screw up anything if you give me a wrench.
Tuning is so simply I can hardly even describe it. I'm an eyeglass guy for crying out loud and it's so simple that in 2 WOT runs it was tuned in.

I had the install done (absolutley stunning job by OTHRWMN with a little help from Nocooler) but a hot air car is a lot harder to do.(Life with a Hot-Air ;) )

All you do is have it come on when you feel like you would get knock on pump fuel and spray enough to keep the knock away at the boost level you want. The first run I had it boog a little so I turned the turn on point up a little and was good to go. I'm a hardcore boost head so combined with a Hot-Air full pump speed was the only option.

It's easier with some kind of knock detector but a scan tool will work.

It's really that simple.