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SMC kit questions


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Aug 20, 2008
Does the SMC kit come complete or do i still need to get a 3 bar map sensor?For those using this kit how to ya ll like it?
It comes complete. I believe the map sensor is inside the control box. I've had it a little over a year. It works great for me. The only thing that makes me nervous is the pump. When compared to the alkycontrol pump it is much smaller. I'm not sure if it will last as long or is able to make the same pressure.
It comes complete. I believe the map sensor is inside the control box. I've had it a little over a year. It works great for me. The only thing that makes me nervous is the pump. When compared to the alkycontrol pump it is much smaller. I'm not sure if it will last as long or is able to make the same pressure.

You are using it fo a year without a problem but you still have doubts?
the smc pump works fine, you should have no problems, and the map sensor is integrated into the controller
re alky

SMC progressive kit:
bought it off a board member a few years back;when the pump gave up the ghost Steve replaced it for FREE! Both he and Razor have excellent customer serviced and stand behind their respective products
I know there are some other kits out there but I don't know much about them
I have had no problem with the SMC
:cool: D :cool:
Last year I ran 25 lbs. of boost and ran a 11.13 @121 mph. Crappy 60 ft. Suspension has been upgraded and I'm hoping to get into the 10's. Only problem is I got kicked off the track for no cage.
Would yall recommend i get an Alky kit before a front mount?Or what upgrades would yall suggest i do first?Look at my sig for my current mods.
Depends on how fast you want to go.
My personal opinion is that there's plenty of guys on here who have proven that you don't the biggest, baddest, most expensive turbo/intercooler, break into the 11's....heck even the 10's (Look at Razor). Front Mounts are're looking at nearly $1,000. If it were me, I'd spend that $1,000 on a good progressive alky kit, TurboTweak chip, RJC Boost controller, maybe a big-neck IC and a convertor stalled around 3000...I'd be willing to bet that something along those lines would get you going a little faster than a front mount would.

So, to answer your question...go alky before front mount. And at some point before you continue modding the car more and more, you might want to consider a fuel pump upgrade and hotwire kit. And, a good chip goes a long way...invest in one. I see you've got a scanmaster, so that's good news.

if you dont have a good fuel pump and hot wire kit and adj reg thants the first things to already have a scan master so thats good
I'm not giving up my Dutweiller neck slic until I see an 11.1 or better. I want to get the most out of what I have first. At that point I will to log the actual improvement of the next modifications. Which is a cam first.
I didn't want to over-promote toe Dutt Neck IC too much since I do have one and my opinion is bias, but since you said it...I'll 2nd that statement. My Dutt Neck IC was one of the best "seat of the pants" mods I've done (2nd was RJC boost controller). Instantly spooled quicker and gained 2-3 psi without changing ANYTHING else. I also 2nd the statement made by 1986TR, get adj fpr, adj wastegate, scantool, fuel pump/hot wire kit, 30 psi boost gauge, fuel pressure gauge first, and tune it in per the info on just search on the forums here, before you add this & that to the car.

Thanks guys.The car is getting a fuel pump and hotwire upgrade next week.But i think yall talked me into it so hopefully things go well
We are the Wal-Mart of the TR community.

Will will try to help you not throw parts at the car and save that money to do preventative modifications first. Then when the car is on, sensible modification part by part.

We have seen way to many people come here and spend cubic dollars, then wonder why the car "feels slower".

A proper running TR is a happy TR AND driver.

The ability to monitor the engines functions is PARAMOUNT. It helps you understand how the parts you buy actually help. You can physically see it as well as feel it.
Well said notacarlo. I'd even reccomend to invest in a direct scan/turbolink/power logger to better display/understand as well as log the details of the car. Scanmaster is great for mounting on the dash and using to monitor while driving and to make small changes (TPS, IAC), monitor 02's and to know when there's knock or not. But if you decide you want to be more than the street driver and casual drag racer, a more advanced scan tool can be very helpful.

Is the RJC boost controller the $55 piece?That way i can order it when i order the SMC kit on monday.
Well finally got my SMC kit and RJC boost controller installed and all i have to say is wow.Don't know why i waited a year to have it installed.Oh and Ive only had the car a year.