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SMC low alky light is on but the bottle is full.....


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Resident mad scientist
Staff member
May 24, 2001
Anyone have this problem before?

The system works fine but the low alky switch seems

The float is floating, not stuck.


Hey Bob,

I had that same thing happen and I e-mailed Steve and he gave me a list of things to check. But when I went out to check them it was off and never came back on. I think the stuff he said to check was the float and connections at the bottle also. Maybe the guy who ran the wires in the car is to blame? :eek:

Anyone have this problem before?

Yes I had the same problem when the engine got wet from being cleaned. When it would dry out the light would go out.
If you did get it wet you could try unscrewing the covers on the RCA plugs and blowing all traces of water out. If you recently bought the kit from Steve he will help you out. He is one of the most helpful and honest people I have delt with in a long time. He and Chuck Leeper on my A+ list.
Easy Fix - Worked for me!


I had the same problem with my SMC Alky kit. After doing some testing in the sink and contacting Steve, we decided to just add some water to the Alky and it works fine. Car runs better with about 20-30% water added to alky mixture.

In the sink tests, pure alky didn't raise the float - but pure water did. I got sick of wasting alky down the drain so I started using water. As soon as I added water instead of alky, the darn thing started to work. I e-mail Steve and he agree that pure alky has less buoyancy than water.

Hope this helps someone.
Now that I think about it the first fill up I put in 70% isopropyl alchy. The low light worked properly. Once I put in 100% denatured it started to say on.

i had the same problem but what happened was the float moved over and was being held up by the pump. i moved it over and no more problems. damn we're smooth:D
If all else fails, give it a good whack. Thats fixed several things on my car. Sorry, but it doesn't work on rust.
Seems like it's water in the connector.

Blasted it with WD40 and it was fine for
a while.

I'll be replacing that connector soon.
(it's a 4-pin 'microphone' connector)

(thanks for the help guys)