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SMC problems


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turbo buicks

Jun 13, 2002
please post any and all problems you or anyone you know of has had with their SMC kit. please alsoe specify new or used kit. thank you. not trying to instigate nothin just wanna see why my kit has messed up twice, one time after having been sent off and gotten fixed.
got it used and put it in. worked great for a few weeks. started getting more and more KR. sent pump to him and it was fine and then sent controler to him. driver was bad so he replaced both and added a gauge upgrade for my trouble. re-installed it and it worked good for a week and now after a week or two it only puts out 40 psi at test with full pump speed and 13 volts power at gauge. steve tested it and it put out 75 psi same settings.
Try to relax Cory. You bought a used kit and have no real history on it. You know why the pump failed, it was not stored in a liquid for over a year. Call Steve and talk with him, you will get a resolution. :)
ah but the pump didnt fail. in fact when tested at his shop it hit 105 psi. ive talked to him quite a bit lately and he gave me some stuff to try out tomorrow.
You mean Steve actually warrantied a kit you didnt buy from him?

On top of that did an upgrade..and incurred costs..when your not the original owner..

Steve is a Saint..geesh..nobody would do that..what a nice guy.

If you have problems with someone thats been nice to you..suggest you give them the benefit of the doubt and dont smear theyre product..until you've exhuasted all your options.

And there isnt a company that can please 100 percent of its customers...Steve does a fine job helping us out.
ya Raz-OR, he did repair/upgrade my kit for free cuz i spent the money to ship him the pump and then the controller a few days later he said. driver replacement was free and guage was like a $12 (his cost) upgrade and i couldnt have asked for better service. i am extremely happy with the kit, when it works. i really do not want to be replacing stuff on it on a regular basis though. steve is a very nice guy and has helped me greatly and im in NO way bashing him or his product. i AM giving him the benefit of the doubt on this one and am going to fix the kit again. this was just a post to see if maybe some of the earlier alky kits had problems i should look for or something.
Originally posted by turbo buicks
please post any and all problems you or anyone you know of has had with their SMC kit. please alsoe specify new or used kit. thank you. not trying to instigate nothin just wanna see why my kit has messed up twice, one time after having been sent off and gotten fixed.

Re-Read your original subject and topic..anyone comes on the board..thinks there are problems with the kits..

Your cost of shipping the box to him is really nothing..and should imply no reason for him to help you. What ya pay 15 dollars to ship it..that 15 dollars entitles you to zero..cuase you didnt buy the kit from him...

Guy is a saint..and your asking to see if people are having problems with his kit...

You dont see the forest through the trees.. I would never put up a post like this when someone is helping me..rethink yer position ;)

Just trying to help ya..not sink ya.
ok whatever. i only want to see if anyone has ever had a problem with their SMC kit before. if i truly hated steve i would have posted something a lot more negative. "to any new person on this board, the SMC kit isnt crap its a good kit im just trying to find whats wrong with mine right now." there Raz-OR, you happy? like i said im not trying to instigate anything against him or his products or between anyone else with his kits. couldnt it be maybe someone out there somewhere had the same problem with their kit that i did. i think this thread is actually a pretty good one. it shows i had problems with my USED kit, steve fixed/upgraded it for free, and was friendly and is still trying to help me out. people can readily see im not bashing him AND do like his product. i dont think its wrong to warn people of a potential problem with a kit. maybe in the future someone will have a similar problem and this will help them, if i find my answer. ill be sure to post what was wrong with my kit when i find the answer.
SMC alky

I gotta side with V8 eater here, just trying to get a diagnosis of problems on a well used and well proven kit isn't slandor. If our TRs never broke down and never ever had a single problem, this board wouldn't be quite as big. And I certainly don't see any slandor in posting problems to the TR.

Just a quick story to show how Steve operates. I got the kit (in less than the ten days it was promised to me) and began to hook it up. Ooops, I don't have a 3/8" bit. So with the wires dangling and alky bottle empty I drove to a friends. Didn't tie up the wiring properly. Melted the hell out of the main grey cable (the bundle of 4 wires) when it rendezvoused with my downpipe.

So I ask Steve how much it would cost to send me a new one (not knowing it was just a bundle of 4 16 gauge wires). He writes back "Don't worry, it'll be in the mail tomorrow AM." How many people would do that after their customer pulls a blatantly ignorant move like I did?? I re-spliced the wires. It took me like 15 minutes. Instead of saying "just cut the burned part and fix it" he offers a new wire with all the fittings for free. If that's not customer service, I dunno what is.

My 2¢. I would also like to hear of any problems so that I can diagnose them later on. It doesn't mean I wouldn't STRONGLY suggest this kit to anyone. It's the best plug-in kit out there.
turbo buicks, I understand your reason for posting is to see what problems there may have been with the older kits in order to help you help Steve finde a problem that has been dogging you. Nothing wrong with that at all.

As you can see many times we are misunderstood when posting, so it's sometimes better to spell your intentions out to avoid this..:)

Of course Steve is the best at customer service, and you can see he has a loyal following. ;) I've had some problems with my early generation kit, and he bent over backwards to help.

My fault, but a clamp slipped, and ruined a wire on the inside. Then a motor had to be sent back, and after running it for 5 minutes it quit, so he gave me another. Along the way I've had the fittings at the bottle replaced as well.

If you want, use straight water, and rigg it up to the passengers windshield sprayer and make sure it is working every time for a couple weeks. I'm sure you could find a way to do this...:)

It's very rare to get intermittent operation from the pump, but it happened to me...:)
Im having problems with my kit .It wont spray when you push the test button.the car stumbles even with the line off .!Does anyone have a number so i can call steve
Originally posted by turbo buicks
call steve at 1-270-522-9376. im sure he will be more than happy to assist you.


Attaboy :)
Like my kit -- no problems so far

I was gonna do a diy install but picked up the smc kit on a group purchase for about 50 bucks more than the stuff for a diy install. Easy install and works great.
Re: Like my kit -- no problems so far

Originally posted by turbot2496
I was gonna do a diy install but picked up the smc kit on a group purchase for about 50 bucks more than the stuff for a diy install. Easy install and works great.

That must have been a while ago. DIY is going to be way cheaper to build (in most cases) now. SMC is a great way to go if you have the money to spend with no time to build your own or whatever it may be.

Cory, I would delete this thread when I was done with it. :)