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SMC Spray On Light Stuck On


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Serenity Now
Aug 11, 2002
My SMC box's spray-on light sticks every now and then. As far as I can tell it's not actually spraying when it sticks on, but I'd still like to fix it. Sometimes it goes out on it's own sometimes I have to shut the car off and turn it back on. I've checked connections and they look tight. What gives?


PS, has anyone tried the progressive controller yet and is it avaliable as an extra on the old kits?

This happed to me for the first time driving home last night Both lights stayed on (Armed and Spray On) but I know it's not spraying. I was going to call Steve today but the problem went away on it's own. I double checked all the wires also and everything looks right and tight. I've had the system now for about 4 months and this is the first hitch I've had. If it happens again I hope it's a simple fix. To be on the safe side I will call Steve, no since in playing around when your running 20\22 lbs of boost on 93. :eek:
Have you talked to Steve yet, and if so what did he say? The problem hasn't reoccured for me yet, but I haven't been driving the car as much.


If you have the new kit with the guage, its the pressure switch thats probably going bad. See that pressure switch is what tells the LED to lite.

If its an older kit without the guage, then its the controller going bad.


I believe I have the newer kit. I will call Steve tomorrow as it has happend once again. I will post his recomendations.
I spoke to Steve and he confirms what Razon indicated, most likely the pressure switch is going bad. I will check the switch tomorrow for leaks and if that's the case Steve said he would replace the switch with a new upgraded steel (instead of nylon) switch. I will keep you all posted.
When my spray light wasn't coming on at all I asked Steve, and he said I should try loosening the allen head bolt (very small one) below the pressure gauge, since that could adjust the light's turn-on point. Well, I loosened it too much and the light was staying on after an alky run. It stayed off until I got into the boost again, but once the light clicked on, it stayed on. I loosened the allen screw (after bugging Steve again) and it worked fine. He'll help you out I'm sure, good luck!
Red Regal T

Have I ever done anything to offend you?
That crack about being "stacked up" with service calls was not necessary..........Maybe 1 call out of 20 is a repair call, the rest are me trying to tailor systems to an individual or answering questions........Sorry I'm only one person! If you have to leave a message I will get back to you ASAP! Ask anyone about my customer service.
Steve, so far you're kit has been great. The trouble I had in the inital posting went away by itself, but I will check that screw next time.


Just rereading my post, the last line should have said "tightened" the allen screw, duh, my bad. Loosening turns down the lights turn on point. Glad to hear the problem's taken care of. Enjoy the kit! I definitely am. Picked up 4 mph in the 1/8th last time, woo hoo! Car and I are alky fans for sure.