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Smoke him or let him wonder??


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Thanks guys i didnt wanna do it..... Ok maybe the kid in me did. As for the boost controller.... I have one and it still drops down when I get warm. Its like the car doesnt rev up??? Either way Thanks again. And as far as the straight race gas and 25 psi. I might try that at the track next weekend. hehe maybe baby steps Ill try 20 psi first.:biggrin:
that'll shut him up

good kill, as a newbie to rollin a turbo buick i can honestly say there are two kinds of racers i've ran into, those who think they can take you and find out quick it's a lost cause, and those who are to young to know and think their hopped up honda will take you. either way you have to wave and smile alot, or just look over with that sh1t eatin grin like " yea boy i got your number" i swear there is alot of haters out there that can't stand the idea of this car being so quick but i love it. i've had alot more compliments then anything else. either way good kill.
Thanks guys. He wants to run at the track but I know he will hook much better there. Im going to get alky injection before I go to the track and Im not gonna tell him about it.:cool: My wife and I are starting a large daycare center in town and money is tight. I have 3 dealer service manuals for these cars that I am putting on here for sale within the next couple days. This should help me towards alky. :biggrin:

any idea of prices? im wanting something i can use as referance and troubleshooting.
any idea of prices? im wanting something i can use as referance and troubleshooting.

Im not really sure I just looked them up on ebay and there not really worth much. I might just keep em. I thought they were worth some money??? If ya need copies of anything let me know. I can scan the pages you need.

i really wanted the books, justgot a car a few months back and would like to have them to help referance or help troubleshoot things. i have paypal and would pay a reasonable price.

i don't know what a fair price is, and are they the chilton books or they more detailed. something like a dealer would use or ?