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Been in the nursing home business for almost 25 years now as a Maintenance Director, good money, 40 paid days off a year. Can be a depressing environment but after a while you get numb to things a bit. Still see some sad things going on though. Enough to know that if I still have my wits about me and get real sick I will be taking a long one way walk in the woods on a cold winter day. Don't want Shequanda wiping my butt every day.:eek:

Before that worked in a wire manufacturing plant for almost 10 years. Handled raw asbestos as part of the job without a mask as they didn't tell us how hazardous it was back then, no symptoms of anything yet and don't smoke. Always in the back of my mind though.

Been selling TR performance and dress up items part time since 1999 as well. Nice supplemental income but not enough to live off of. Wish I started doing it in 1987 though!:(
I have been a welder since I was 18 yrs old. I started in the Navy. 23 years later I'm still welding. The last 10 years I've been with Unison Industries/GE Aviation. I weld aircraft ignition systems and components. Welding has been good to me financially for a long time.
Student nurse here.... been in the construction feild... im tired of breaking my back and getting paid as much as people do while they sit on there ass..... i plant on becoming an Certified Registered Nursing Anesthiesiest.... starting salary 150,000..... what im talking about
wide range of guys here

good to see a good mix of different and as i expected alot of wrench hounds. it's all good and as stated by kirbin do what you want it may not make you rich but enjoying it is better then the money. money won't bring you complete happiness. if you plan on storing your car at a storage facility may i suggest renters insurance for the place and make sure it's enough to cover everything inside, tools, extra parts, etc etc. take dig pics of everything and have an inventory. insurance would run you about 20 a month maybe alittle more but even the places with people living there do have issues. I lost alot along with my brother as we split a place and it wasn't so bad, with the exception of the jerk who had a fettish for fire. he hit our box, and about 6 others and the fire dept put out the fire but not before most of it was a loss. there was a lady behind my box who had several motorcycles from dirt to street and all that was left was burnt frames. most storage places are ok but just cover your arse, as i'm sure you wouldn't want an outcome as i had. plus the little bit you spend on the insurance is well worth the peace of mind you'll get if something does happen. good luck in your future employment i'm sure alot of us would love to be 19 again and have a TB.:biggrin:
Certified Dental Techincian. Been in the business 30+ years. My wrists are beat but I keep going to pay the bills.
Been in the nursing home business for almost 25 years now as a Maintenance Director, good money, 40 paid days off a year. Can be a depressing environment but after a while you get numb to things a bit. Still see some sad things going on though. Enough to know that if I still have my wits about me and get real sick I will be taking a long one way walk in the woods on a cold winter day. Don't want Shequanda wiping my butt every day.:eek:

Before that worked in a wire manufacturing plant for almost 10 years. Handled raw asbestos as part of the job without a mask as they didn't tell us how hazardous it was back then, no symptoms of anything yet and don't smoke. Always in the back of my mind though.

Been selling TR performance and dress up items part time since 1999 as well. Nice supplemental income but not enough to live off of. Wish I started doing it in 1987 though!:(

kirban 2 cents worth

Concerning the turbo regal business.......

While its a good business you have to look at the long range of things when you have overhead. The key is to hit on certain makes that develop a loyal following even if your favorite is one particular car. I have been fortunate in following trends going back to the mid 1970s when the original gas crisis made muscle car owners panic and sell their performance cars for next to nothing.

Your rite about nursing homes....nobody wants to be there not even the residents! Takes a special person to work under those conditions.
amen to the nursing home from a former orderly

i worked at a nursing home when i was 16, for roughly 1.5 yrs. went through 3 different ones and worked just about every shift. it does take a dedicated person who really cares as most orderly's and care takers are low wage and can care less. saw alot of bed sores, missing stuff and just about anything you can imagine. sad thing is my heart was broken when one of my favorite patients died after i called in and she fell off the toilet when i called in on my shift. i wasn't the best but cared more then others. had one pass on me and i was told i had to bathe her before the funeral home would come and get her. regardless if you have a loved one in a nursing home my best input is to visit on a regular basis, come a different times and make sure you know the staff. i promise you your loved one will be taken care of alot better then the rest of the patients.
i worked at a nursing home when i was 16, for roughly 1.5 yrs. went through 3 different ones and worked just about every shift. it does take a dedicated person who really cares as most orderly's and care takers are low wage and can care less. saw alot of bed sores, missing stuff and just about anything you can imagine. sad thing is my heart was broken when one of my favorite patients died after i called in and she fell off the toilet when i called in on my shift. i wasn't the best but cared more then others. had one pass on me and i was told i had to bathe her before the funeral home would come and get her. regardless if you have a loved one in a nursing home my best input is to visit on a regular basis, come a different times and make sure you know the staff. i promise you your loved one will be taken care of alot better then the rest of the patients.

kirban 2 cents worth

So true especially the theft issues even if you mark all their clothes etc. Seen it happened so many times with various relatives in nursing homes.

Had a close friend spend his last 7 years in one. He had suffered many mini strokes. I had no idea if he even knew who I was when I would come visit him on my trips south. Always made it a point to take him out for a spin in his wheel chair in the parking lot. He was in a pretty good home run by 7th Day Adventist Group.
Manufacturing Engineer for a major defense company. Mainly build weapons and systems for the navy.

Fun job, enjoy it greatly.

any top secret area 51 sh8t you want 2 elaborate... or will I end up dead:biggrin:
I'm an Operating Engineer. Which is a fancy name for a union heavy equipment operator (backhoe,bulldozer,scraper,haul-truck,etc.)

Many, but not all know just as much as a Civil Engineer, we just don't have the piece of paper that says we're as smart (or smarter) as them. We actually know how it works in the real world & can problem solve, rather than say "That's what the design calls for, why won't it work?"

It doesn't seem to be getting me rich, but it does support my habits.... ATVs,snowmobiles,watercraft, & my car.
Little Debbie Snack Cake Distributor. Love my job and the $$$ is good.

Yeah I make people fat. LOL