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I just had to comment. A supressor will only properly work with a subsonic load. If you have a standard load there will always be a "sonic boom" when the weapon is fired. The supressor would be roughly 9" to work but you can't totally get rid of the signiture. The movies have screwed this myth up so badly it's rediculas. You also can't supress a revolver because of the gap between the cylinder and the barrel. I use to have a machine shop/gunsmithing business if you're wondering.:biggrin:

So what kind of load do you shoot Charlie :eek:.............................on second thought just forget about it;)
So what kind of load do you shoot Charlie :eek:.............................on second thought just forget about it;)

I prefer live loads but I'm sure you shoot blanks.:eek::biggrin::tongue: LOL Ask Shane about some of my collection if you have any doubts. I'm down to less than 100 now because of the economy and loosing my business.:mad:
I prefer live loads but I'm sure you shoot blanks.:eek::biggrin::tongue: LOL Ask Shane about some of my collection if you have any doubts. I'm down to less than 100 now because of the economy and loosing my business.:mad:

LOL, It is a "safe" round to shoot, sometimes a live load can put an eye out ;):eek::D:cool:. Better safe than sorry

I prefer live loads but I'm sure you shoot blanks.:eek::biggrin::tongue: LOL Ask Shane about some of my collection if you have any doubts. I'm down to less than 100 now because of the economy and loosing my business.:mad:

i managed a pawn shop for over 10 yrs and i had a guy who was a vietnam vet, this guy had some NICE guns. he lost most of them as he was unemployed. i liked him he was nice and even told him if certain guns he has came out i would be buying them and adding to my collection. i currently own 12 guns which is PLENTY. my fav's are my Spas 12 all original and my twin 50 caliber desert eagles. but my baby is the baby eagle, cannot miss with that gun well balanced and never fails. Let me know if your have a few you want to get rid of, CHL holder and don't mind used if you don't mind shipping to me or a licensed dealer in the area if you have your FFL. I would love to have a peek at what you have. as for the silencer info, i knew that about the revolver, but you schooled me on the footprint info, as for a silencer. I love my rights WAY to much to commit any felonies or misdemeanors so i prefer to keep my CHL as it gives me a piece of mind just in case. funny thing about managing a pawnshop was we had a gun trap and would shoot any gun that came in that interest us. never had any come up missing but we could always drool over them. the vet that i bought several of his guns said he didn't mind because he thought i was an good guy and was always nice to him as i tried to be with anyone. And for the cops, dude i envy your job, sure i'm sure it's a headache but still i know the adreneline rush is far better then any drug out there.
Thank you all

You all have brightened my possible futures of what I can do in the future...:biggrin: but I still want to work in either a bodyshop, start my own, go into car customizing, or produce music, or flip cheap cars for a profit. :redface:
go for it

only you limit your potential, take life by the horns buddy and make something happen. no one will give you anything, with the exception of a chance every once in awhile. So be a sponge and learn all you can, education and experiance will always help you go farther in life. good luck as you hold the keys to your own future. question is will it be to a double wide, nice house, or several thoughout the country with a garage full of goodies and a wife that makes us jealous of you. :cool:
i managed a pawn shop for over 10 yrs and i had a guy who was a vietnam vet, this guy had some NICE guns. he lost most of them as he was unemployed. i liked him he was nice and even told him if certain guns he has came out i would be buying them and adding to my collection. i currently own 12 guns which is PLENTY. my fav's are my Spas 12 all original and my twin 50 caliber desert eagles. but my baby is the baby eagle, cannot miss with that gun well balanced and never fails. Let me know if your have a few you want to get rid of, CHL holder and don't mind used if you don't mind shipping to me or a licensed dealer in the area if you have your FFL. I would love to have a peek at what you have. as for the silencer info, i knew that about the revolver, but you schooled me on the footprint info, as for a silencer. I love my rights WAY to much to commit any felonies or misdemeanors so i prefer to keep my CHL as it gives me a piece of mind just in case. funny thing about managing a pawnshop was we had a gun trap and would shoot any gun that came in that interest us. never had any come up missing but we could always drool over them. the vet that i bought several of his guns said he didn't mind because he thought i was an good guy and was always nice to him as i tried to be with anyone. And for the cops, dude i envy your job, sure i'm sure it's a headache but still i know the adreneline rush is far better then any drug out there.

You have a PM.:D I was an MP if that helps.:eek:
thanks let me know

nice to know there are people like us who take our freedoms seriously, the right to bear arms. HE11 yes we will, i would never do something to anyone without provocation. my main reason as i stated was piece of mind, you don't cross that line and you won't be on the business end of my 45. If you do say hello to god, allah or the devil depending on where you end up. don't believe in the afterlife, hey that's your freedom to do that. thank everyone who's served in the military and those who can no longer hug their loved ones. sometimes i think we take our freedom for granted.
I'm an Operating Engineer. Which is a fancy name for a union heavy equipment operator (backhoe,bulldozer,scraper,haul-truck,etc.)

Many, but not all know just as much as a Civil Engineer, we just don't have the piece of paper that says we're as smart (or smarter) as them. We actually know how it works in the real world & can problem solve, rather than say "That's what the design calls for, why won't it work?"

It doesn't seem to be getting me rich, but it does support my habits.... ATVs,snowmobiles,watercraft, & my car.

I'm about to start classes to get my heavy equipment operator cert, plus going to go through an owner operator CDL course. May not make a ton of money after all is said and done, but it will be something enjoyable to do......kind of like being back in the dirt pile with Tonka toys :biggrin: . Decided it was time for a change of profession.
only you limit your potential, take life by the horns buddy and make something happen. no one will give you anything, with the exception of a chance every once in awhile. So be a sponge and learn all you can, education and experiance will always help you go farther in life. good luck as you hold the keys to your own future. question is will it be to a double wide, nice house, or several thoughout the country with a garage full of goodies and a wife that makes us jealous of you. :cool:

I do... lefty and righty... Just kidding:biggrin:(Yeah I am going to ask this girl out so U all WISH ME LUCK) but yeah... I dont want to be in school forever, and I am trying to keep my act together. shoot man and its hard. Ive had people offer me drugs, guns, ect, and each time I think about my career training and not fing up my future... However for X-Mas I do want a Mossberx .500 JIC pistol grip u know... to protect my car.:biggrin:
guns and youth

my opinion on teens with guns is ok as long as you either been around them and respect them. know you have your future as well as that of anyone who may either be on the receiving end of anger, or settling something as minor as a girl. if you do get a shotty don't carry it with you, it won't make your nutz any bigger, just add time to your sentence if you mess up. steer clear of drugs, and as most kids do and i also indulged in drinking as a minor. i don't condone it but it happens so i cannot say don't as i'm not the role model to say something about it. if you live in the country and have been around guns most of the time these kids have the most level head in regards to knowing what it can and will do if used. good luck with the girl, just use protection ( dang now i sound like i'm talking to my own son ) as you cannot always trust the word of any girl. take care of your future as i stated the keys are in your hands. way too many of us have chosen the wrong path and wound up behind bars or worse. don't trip out over a girl as there are plenty out there, and true love is hard to find and a good woman is even harder. sounds like you have a level head on your shoulders just use it for something other then a hat rack. don't solve problems with violence and remember if your freinds are out and up to no good and your with them your just as guilty it's called guilt by association or accessorry to the crime. doesn't matter, i was given a 2nd chance after really screwing up back when i was 18 but i didn't hurt anyone but my car was used because i was to intoxicated to drive but went for the ride. i have made mistakes as we all have, what matters is if you sidestep them or put yourself in the middle. take your school seriously and don't let the little things bother you. you have alot of life to go and when all is said and done and we make that final exit, what will they remember you by? will it be he was a go getter, took care of business and made his family proud or the opposite. as i said just take care, i'm sure alot of us on this board can relate to some mistake we've made back in the day and wish we could erase it. a criminal record will follow you the rest of your life and you'll be judged by it when seeking employment. So take care of business buddy and make it happen. keep us posted on how things are going, i'm praying for the best for you as i'm sure several others wish you the best. take care of yourself because no one else will, stop and smell the roses every once in awhile and just enjoy life we only get this one here on this lovely planet we're on.
Assistant Principal...

Part time armed-rent-a-cop...

I have agreed with Obama, on most policies...questioned some as is my right...but taking away our right to bear arms will never is simply too unconstitutional...too restrictive...and too invading...

I have never had a gun in my home but after 34 yrs I have one now...why? Because the condo across from me is foreclosed and empty..I have two kids in my home..and I cannot be dishonest..having a gun in my home makes me feel much safer and I feel as if it gives my family a fighting chance if anything ever happens...
i build performance racing transmissions with reed 0380 :D, i do modeling sometimes when i get called also. trying to become a cop is my main focus, i also run my own wildlife rescue service, treating all kinds of wild animals. so if any of you come across any abandoned baby's or hurt adult animals let me know.:cool:
my opinion on teens with guns is ok as long as you either been around them and respect them. know you have your future as well as that of anyone who may either be on the receiving end of anger, or settling something as minor as a girl. if you do get a shotty don't carry it with you, it won't make your nutz any bigger, just add time to your sentence if you mess up. steer clear of drugs, and as most kids do and i also indulged in drinking as a minor. i don't condone it but it happens so i cannot say don't as i'm not the role model to say something about it. if you live in the country and have been around guns most of the time these kids have the most level head in regards to knowing what it can and will do if used. good luck with the girl, just use protection ( dang now i sound like i'm talking to my own son ) as you cannot always trust the word of any girl. take care of your future as i stated the keys are in your hands. way too many of us have chosen the wrong path and wound up behind bars or worse. don't trip out over a girl as there are plenty out there, and true love is hard to find and a good woman is even harder. sounds like you have a level head on your shoulders just use it for something other then a hat rack. don't solve problems with violence and remember if your freinds are out and up to no good and your with them your just as guilty it's called guilt by association or accessorry to the crime. doesn't matter, i was given a 2nd chance after really screwing up back when i was 18 but i didn't hurt anyone but my car was used because i was to intoxicated to drive but went for the ride. i have made mistakes as we all have, what matters is if you sidestep them or put yourself in the middle. take your school seriously and don't let the little things bother you. you have alot of life to go and when all is said and done and we make that final exit, what will they remember you by? will it be he was a go getter, took care of business and made his family proud or the opposite. as i said just take care, i'm sure alot of us on this board can relate to some mistake we've made back in the day and wish we could erase it. a criminal record will follow you the rest of your life and you'll be judged by it when seeking employment. So take care of business buddy and make it happen. keep us posted on how things are going, i'm praying for the best for you as i'm sure several others wish you the best. take care of yourself because no one else will, stop and smell the roses every once in awhile and just enjoy life we only get this one here on this lovely planet we're on.

Thanks man I appreciate a bit of pearls of wisdom from some of you older guys who have been in the world for awhile, and I do try to keep my temper down and stay cool.. but its hard. Im stayin on the straight and narrow. as a matter of fact I will be starting a new thread titled "what everyman needs to know about being a man speech" and would like you to subscribe.
I do... lefty and righty... Just kidding:biggrin:(Yeah I am going to ask this girl out so U all WISH ME LUCK) but yeah... I dont want to be in school forever, and I am trying to keep my act together. shoot man and its hard. Ive had people offer me drugs, guns, ect, and each time I think about my career training and not fing up my future... However for X-Mas I do want a Mossberx .500 JIC pistol grip u know... to protect my car.:biggrin:

Mossberg 500s are AWESOME!
owner operator with 2 trucks that move oversize loads. when the economy was good, equipment was moving since building stopped heavy equipment moving has slowed way down., & now I just found out I have a broken piston in one of my trucks. :mad: I can not complain my buis. has bought me mine & the wife's toys.
MP as in Military Police...

You got it kid. Last stationed at Fort Mc Clellan AL.

I do... lefty and righty... Just kidding:biggrin:(Yeah I am going to ask this girl out so U all WISH ME LUCK) but yeah... I dont want to be in school forever, and I am trying to keep my act together. shoot man and its hard. Ive had people offer me drugs, guns, ect, and each time I think about my career training and not fing up my future... However for X-Mas I do want a Mossberx .500 JIC pistol grip u know... to protect my car.:biggrin:

Good luck with the girl but a pistol grip weapon is very hard to control. They look cool in the movies but unless you're going to use it for consealment (sp) get one with a stock on it. You can tuck it under your arm and control it much better, espeacially if in CQB situation.

i build performance racing transmissions with reed 0380 :D, i do modeling sometimes when i get called also. trying to become a cop is my main focus, i also run my own wildlife rescue service, treating all kinds of wild animals. so if any of you come across any abandoned baby's or hurt adult animals let me know.:cool:

Want to adopt my Hudiny dog? She's very sweet but it's almost impossible to keep her in the pen.

Mossberg 500s are AWESOME!

Had several over the years myself but I still prefer a steel reciever.

owner operator with 2 trucks that move oversize loads. when the economy was good, equipment was moving since building stopped heavy equipment moving has slowed way down., & now I just found out I have a broken piston in one of my trucks. :mad: I can not complain my buis. has bought me mine & the wife's toys.

Now that just suck. I know how much those pistons cost. Hope you get it back together and running soon.
You got it kid. Last stationed at Fort Mc Clellan AL.

Good luck with the girl but a pistol grip weapon is very hard to control. They look cool in the movies but unless you're going to use it for consealment (sp) get one with a stock on it. You can tuck it under your arm and control it much better, espeacially if in CQB situation.

Want to adopt my Hudiny dog? She's very sweet but it's almost impossible to keep her in the pen.

Had several over the years myself but I still prefer a steel reciever.

Now that just suck. I know how much those pistons cost. Hope you get it back together and running soon.

Cool, my mom used to be an MP in Zweibruken germany, and I was born in Lanhdstul germany in 91. , and when it comes to a gun, I dont want any troubles ( shoot if I really wanted a gun.. I could buy one no questions asked in a few minutes... probably not legally), and I would keep it in the approved water tight case, or take to the range, I just dont want problems with the 5-0. Plus the mosberg shotty has a narrow choke in it which is cool, yeah Id use it to "protect my assets" which at my age is only my car, cat, 32" flatscreen, ps3, and my food.:biggrin: and as for the girl... shes really nice to me, and im kinda nervous... first time in a while (need 2 get my swagger back)... im nervous, but my heart says its worth it and dont vomit... and I hope she likes me... and not the car, or she may hate it because its a hooptie, and my soul kinda hopes for the best but is prepared for a letdown... and I think shes 2 years older than me 2:biggrin: