some ones copying me

Man, talk about coincidences!!

The guys first post on that board ever, it's nearly identical the the verbal diarreha you post, and you post a link to it within 13 minutes!!!


You're a stinkin' troll

Gee, I wonder which it is? :rolleyes:
Equalizer has always done this, why would he lie about it now? I think it's damn funny when he does it, too. :D
Someone admires your work 442! ;)
if ya notice from the link he posted, words like 'turbo' an 'buick' are in red, which means he was doin a search. Kind of a stupid thread, but oh well.
The guys first post on that board ever, it's nearly identical the the verbal diarreha you post, and you post a link to it within 13 minutes!!!


You're a stinkin' troll

no, i used to be a "stinkin' troll" my posts were funnier and cleaner, he was busted right off the bat.

i dont hide my work if i was ever to troll again, i doubt i ever will but if i did i would tell every one it was me. this guy is just some kid using one of my lines.

by the way, i posted the link at 9:43 pm, he posted at 11:30 so where did you get the 13 mins from? i got a feeling your the same guy that keeps harassing me using diffrent names. registered sence november 2002 and only posted 21 times but you just happin to come on right after i post and you just happin to know about my past. sounds kind of odd to me, just how many names do you have?
The name I'm using now is the only one I use. Everywhere, every post. Don't need more than one. Any mod is welcome to check it out and post what they find. Maybe there's more than one person who doesn't find your childish crap "amusing"?

Yep, just 21 posts. But, I'm here every day. So it's no surprise I know about your "past". I'm mostly checking out the parts sections, but I check out the lounge too.

And as far as the times, I guess what you're trying to say is that you posted the link at 9:43PM, but he didn't start the thread 'till 11:30PM?? HELLO.....DIFFERENT TIME ZONES......HELLO.....

As far as harassing you, sorry, not me. Unless you consider this harassing.

Personally, I think it is your work, and you decided to remain anonymous due to the stinkstorm you found yourself in last time. But, you couldn't resist the temptation, and had to post a link here.

Kinda funny though, the way you get your panties in a wad over getting called out, but you didn't do it, right?

Maybe there's more than one person who doesn't find your childish crap "amusing"?

what childish crap? i posted a link to another forum that some troll was on, whats so childish about that?


ya think???

As far as harassing you, sorry, not me. Unless you consider this harassing.

yeah i do, i was posting something and you come in here accuseing me of a bunch of bs, can we say slander. i stoped trolling along time ago and that IS NOT ME as i stated when i first posted.

Personally, I think it is your work, and you decided to remain anonymous due to the stinkstorm you found yourself in last time. But, you couldn't resist the temptation, and had to post a link here.

lol sounds like you want to start a flame war, look up some of my work and you can tell its not me.

Kinda funny though, the way you get your panties in a wad over getting called out, but you didn't do it, right?

no i did not do it and i dont like being accused. unlike some people, namely you, i have balls i have never denyed being a troll in the past. if that was me i would have openly posted admiting it was mine.

why are you on here any way? you dont own a turbo buick, i think you only come on here when you want to start crap.
Whatever dude.

I don't need to fess up to trolling. I don't troll, that seems to be your department. My name is on my posts. And I only have 21 posts 'cause I'm not a post whore, "unlike some people".

"Can we say slander?" Um, no. Go back to your law classes there, Perry Mason.

Flame war? Nah. Matter of fact, say what you want about me, it's OK. Your opinion doesn't matter to me, and I really doubt if mine matters to you.

Hell, go look at the second page of that thread. They know where you came from.

"why are you on here any way?"

When you own the site or you're made a Mod, then you can worry about that.

"i think you only come on here when you want to start crap."

You mean like you do at all the other sites???

Its funny on the ricer boards, but not there. They all know about our cars and are pretty cool. All you are doing is making Buick owners look like asses
Originally posted by blackbuick87
Its funny on the ricer boards, but not there. They all know about our cars and are pretty cool. All you are doing is making Buick owners look like asses

Its funny on the ricer boards, but not there. They all know about our cars and are pretty cool. All you are doing is making Buick owners look like asses

please people start reading all of my first post, that is NOT ME i am NOT THE TROLL. i was doing a search on turbo buicks on that forum, hints the red turbo and buick. i posted it because i figured every one would find it funny that some moron is trying to troll a z28 fourm.

i might have been a troll in the past but i stoped trolling, its a waste of time and i realized that althow i might have gotten a small kick out of it at the time it was not the right thing to do.

why is every one thinking that im whineing because I AINT, like i stated above i found it and i thaught it was kind of funny that some one used one of my old lines.
i made a name and posted over on the z28 fourm, if i am the troll the moderator over there will know. gezz what friggen things i have to do to convence a bunch of kids that im not the troll.
I never said it was you, 442, just that whoever did do it was making us look like jerks, like everyone else is dumber than we are. I agree, you usually have more imagination in your posts
i thaught you were accuseing me but now that you posted it makes sence what your saying, sorry for jumping on your case. i just hate being accused of stuff i did not do.