Getting into this chip burning stuff a bit soon, but I was wondering something.
I was under the assumption that you could just go junkyarding and pull a bunch of chips out of factory GM cars, erase them,...then use those to burn new chips. I had somebody tell me that you can't re-use the factory chips. Is this true?
If so,....I'm assuming you have to just order the chips new.. I'm pretty sure you can get them from
What type do you need?
And where do you get the chip carriers fo rthe new chips?
Getting into this chip burning stuff a bit soon, but I was wondering something.
I was under the assumption that you could just go junkyarding and pull a bunch of chips out of factory GM cars, erase them,...then use those to burn new chips. I had somebody tell me that you can't re-use the factory chips. Is this true?
If so,....I'm assuming you have to just order the chips new.. I'm pretty sure you can get them from
What type do you need?
And where do you get the chip carriers fo rthe new chips?