Spanked a ricer

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Somebody needs to ban this stupid ass clown from this BB cause he obviously is a TROLL and has no reason for being here other than to start sh!t and piss people off:mad: Too bad your a ***** 87O, u make your fellow ricer buddies look much the same:p
I have done nothing but been civil. A select few have taken it upon themselves to assemble a lynch mob on my behalf. It is no fault of my own that some here are too close minded to accept the fact that fast imports exist.

I have been merely stating an opinion. I feel I have conducted myself in a adult manner. Some of you however have done nothing but instigate flame wars and play childish games.

So why do you think I should be banned? I haven't been vulgar in my speech. I haven't sent anyone hate PM's. Yet many of you choose to send me hate PM's.

So other than the fact that I own an import, why do you think I should be banned?

If anything maybe some of you should be banned for thinking this is your house. This is C&J's house. We follow their rules! I feel that I have followed all of their rules. Some of you on the other hand have not. So what makes you so high and mighty that you can say anything you want and I can't?

I've even had a moderator tell me that i'm not welcome in other sections of the board. What's that about? You guys are the ones starting flame wars! I'm just defending myself.

Later :cool:©

I know there are fast imports like the Supra's and DSM's, but your Celica is NOT a fast import, so what's your point:confused: You make a BS claim that it runs 12.84 cause your a great driver and your GTS is a factory freak LOL:eek: If anything I think your pretty damn funny, but your also a little stupid punk that won't go away!!! BTW, I loved how u tested your cars performance by marking off a 1/4 mile and timing it with a stop watch LMAO... You are the perfect example of a RICER IMO and u should be banned for clear stupidity and ignorance that u show with your statements and whether u like it or not u have caused trouble on this BB with your gay posts that are very flameable!!!
Originally posted by 87Octane

Now your saying I need to prove something to you!?!:rolleyes: PLEASE!

You don't have to prove anything to me. Just giving you a way to prove your ridiculous claims. You don't have to join anything, though if you are an enthusiast like you claim it would be a lot of fun. I'm a 30-something marketing geek, but still like to get together with other car buds and chew the fat. I also like to drop $20 at the local track once in a while to see if my car really perfroms like I think it does. But, some people would rather take the what-I-don't-know-won't-hurt-me-approach and stand by their ridiculous claims without any real idea as to whether or not they're true. To each his own, I suppose.

As far as the meet, I'm on duty on the 14th and am going to the fight on the 15th. I got some free 3rd row tickets from a friend. I here this guy Eagen is one bad mofo. Should be interesting.:)

Well there's a shocker.

Har deeeeeee har har.


Dude why don't you just get the hell out of here with this BS. You think your funny, you think your special? Your not funny, your not special. It was amusing for about 2 seconds.:rolleyes: So take your "factory freak" BS to some other place. Any other place. Get a life moron.
Hey 87Octane who told you that you were not welcome on the other sections of the board? Must not be me. In my opion you should stay in the import sites. But your always welcome on the Hawaii sec.
im up set at the fact that even if he doesnt run a 12.8 which im not there to see what does it matter what his sig says...he knows its a 15 sec car so why does everybody have to ride his nuts.....Thats probably his set goal if any or its just there to poke fun at his own car knowing he has serious comp from honda's. I See way to much flaming on a nother turbo I-6 forum for those who know what im talking about and its funny most of the time the people are being sarcatic and are just plan poking fun at the situation, but others are so closed minded and have no since of humor and think there actually serious. Come on guys we should have more class. resorting to name calling is childish and should remain on a childish forum (previously metioned) if you feel the need to talk down some one. It's sad im only 21 and i act older than some of you in this thread. Who gives a damn what he drives he at least recognizes and doesnt act like a true troll that comes in and starts bashing others. I just ask that you all chill with that **** if i wanna watch people flame and argue and fight ill go chill out in the supra forum which is just constant, it does get entertaining over there some times. Come... on this forum is better than that.

O bye the way my car runs 11's and my cars in pieces right now. I havent driven in a year and a half and ive never been to the track ...So now what, so flame me............ But i promise you this i will reach that goal before March

Keep it fast with class
P.S. I especially dont like the way he's being outcasted just because he drives a Celica... thats just beyond Disbelief who gives a damn... we all see the japanese have more to offer than the american companies do(excluding honda). Being Racist torwards and import driver.... i can say that because its true... his car isnt faster ........yet....maybe one day.......with alot of money in mods...but thats another story.

Just this nameless (True) racers opinion
Originally posted by 87Octane
Who looks the fool now!:p

Oooh! Ooooh! I know this one.....still you?

Opinions are like.....nevermind. Suffice it to say everyone has one. Congratulations, 87O, you've convinced someone (as in some ONE) that this is actually about you driving a Celica.

At first I thought you might really be an enthusiast and therefore might be interested in proving your claims. All I did was give you an opportunity to do that. You have a perfect one in front of you - one that for a true car enthusiast would prove to further your interests in the hobby. But you have no interest in the hobby, just to hide behind your keyboard and drop terds in our little electronic punch bowl. It's pretty clear you're just a simple troll.

So have fun while you're here, eventually no one will respond to you (I'm done with you) and you'll fade away like all the other little trolls. Either that or you'll actually become an enthusiast and wind up spending more time wrenching than typing. If it wasn't for all this rainy weather, I wouldn't have been sucked into this nonsense.

So, I bid you a doo doo. Ta Ta. Farewell. Over and out. Nice knowin' ya.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! This 87Octane guy is hilarious! "Yo G, I run 12s in my fly Celica cause I marked off the 1320 on a road near my house." :rolleyes: My cousin has a 2001 GTS. Yeah, its a pretty nice car, it does handle well (compared to the cars I've been in), yeah, its decently peppy, but its still not a fast car, nor is it a sports car. I believe the correct term would be compact? Maybe economy car?

I think this joker is just really bored, and he wants to see what he can get us to say. He's probably laughing his ass off at our responses, so I say we just do the same. He obviously isn't concerned with real performance at all (digital stopwatch to time the quarter?), or else he'd have taken up the offer to go to the strip in Hawaii and meet some actual enthusiasts. I say let him keep yakin away, its really entertaining stuff!
Originally posted by 87Octane

turbojimmy :p

Ahahahahaha! Perfect!

Yo dawgs! Why you gotta be hatin? I ain't done none but throw y'all the 411, yo. I'm jus tryin to keep it real, yo. Is aight tho. Ain't no love lost. Y'all have a good one!

I must admit, I laughed at this too. ;)

Somebody needs to ban this stupid ass clown from this BB cause he obviously is a TROLL and has no reason for being here other than to start sh!t and piss people off Too bad your a ***** 87O, u make your fellow ricer buddies look much the same

You are an idiot.

I have been reading these boards since October of 2000, right after I got my 84 GN. Hear that? I AM A GN OWNER. Let me ask a question: when did the Buick motto become "I own a buick so get the hell out of my way because Buick Grand Nationals are the only fast cars in the world that matter and I own one so that gives me the right to act like an idiot?" I swear my IQ decreases every time I read a thread like this. Grow up, for crying out loud! 12 year olds aren't supposed to drive, but a whole lot of them seem to own Turbo Buicks. It's 'Fast with Class' people, not 'Fast and an Ass'.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...
I raced a 2001 Celica once...ALMOST LOST! It was a close race until we came up over the hill...then I didn't have to pedal nearly as hard. I passed him going 26 or so! Whoa it was close!

Kev :)
Originally posted by kevans
I raced a 2001 Celica once...ALMOST LOST!
Fortunately it wasn't me. Because you wouldn't have had the luxury of winning.;)

I already have one notch on my dash for a T-type. I would hate to have to add another.:)

hey 78oct-anal retentive, apparently you didn't get the joke because KEVINS says, "...then I didn't have to PEDAL nearly as hard." PEDAL as in BICYCLE...get it. hahaaa
how often do you race bicycles? later...TROLL case closed.

no flames here just friendly reminders of how idiotic some people can be. :D
Originally posted by 87Octane

Fortunately it wasn't me. Because you wouldn't have had the luxury of winning.;)

I already have one notch on my dash for a T-type. I would hate to have to add another.:)


If i could come threw the computer and beat you with a bat i would..some people really don't have any place in society, but in a garbage can.


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