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speedo cable and VDO gauge cluster


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Sep 16, 2014
I'm trying to fix my speedo from bouncing all over and making this screeching noise. I got all the gears right in the tranny (Th400). I bought replacement cables from napa. Mine has a 2 cable. I pulled the cables from the adaptor at the firewall and hooked a drill to them and they seem to turn fine. When I turn the short one running to the speedo It makes the noise a little and bounces around. So I was going to replace them both but Napa gave me the wrong cables. Is there a special cable for the VDO cluster? and how are you guys removing the long cable? I can't get mine out of the fender well. It gets stuck.
the cable for the vdo screws on , you can get them off ebay for around $20 , upper is about 36"

to remove the lower cable you need to remove the bolt with the large washer from inside the wheelhouse
Ok, so its different from the factory one? Anyone have a link or a part number for the right one? Also my lower cable is wrong too. Is there a special one for that too?
lower cable is gm, same as any other regal

link ... search ebay , vdo speedometer cable

it could also be the speedometer , ive had them loosen up inside over the years