Here's a second list of stuff that I want to get rid of - need room for pool toys now, not eleventyseven spare of everything for the Buick. Original thread ( is still valid and has been updated with everything that has been sold. This one is all new, all prices include shipping unless noted:
1) Pair of grey interior a-pillar trim - $30
2) charcoal canister & purge solenoid (discontinued from GM) - $25
3) DS grey kickpanel - $20
4) Set of 6 Lucas 30lb (5207009) injectors, used, worked fine - $100
5) Turbo Regal hood ornament, good shape - $35
6) Brand new heater core, I bought 2 as spares when people were having a hard time finding them, only to find that I had 1 already - $50
7) Positive battery cable guide, the plastic piece that goes across the front of the oil pan - $25
8) radiator, used, older re-do as a 4 core, no leaks - $60 (No shipping included - pick up?)
9) stock cooling fan and shroud - $65
10) coolant overflow tank, used but not gross - $15
11) RF fenderwell trim for WO2 car, needs refinishing, has one extra hole where a mudflap was once installed - $30
12) NOS GM, brand new turbo heat shield, never installed, still has factory coating on it - $75
13) 1 pair grey door pull straps, one crack on the top, rear side of one, if mounted with that part facing down, it is invisible, other one is nice - $45
14) 2 pairs of quarter panel extensions (not spoiler caps) - $20/pr
15) 2004R dipstick & tube, regular GM red style, not the turbo one - $20
16) catalytic convertor heat shield - $10
17) 1 set starter heat shields (both pieces) - $25
18) 1 set cowl/firewall heat shields, not the black HVAC one - $15
19) DS sport mirror, grey, remote - $30
20) PS sport mirror, grey, manual - $25
21) DS bucket seat hinge cover, grey, nice - $20
22) intermediate shaft, no tears in rubber boot (this is NOT the same shaft that was listed in Part 1 - that one had a tear, I found another one) - $30
23) 2 header panels, couple of mounting points are cracked, but both are good and very usable otherwise I woudn't have kept them to begin with, 1 gold, 1 grey, $50 each NO SHIPPING, pick up only.
Post or PM - thanks!!!
1) Pair of grey interior a-pillar trim - $30
2) charcoal canister & purge solenoid (discontinued from GM) - $25
3) DS grey kickpanel - $20
4) Set of 6 Lucas 30lb (5207009) injectors, used, worked fine - $100
5) Turbo Regal hood ornament, good shape - $35
6) Brand new heater core, I bought 2 as spares when people were having a hard time finding them, only to find that I had 1 already - $50
7) Positive battery cable guide, the plastic piece that goes across the front of the oil pan - $25
8) radiator, used, older re-do as a 4 core, no leaks - $60 (No shipping included - pick up?)
9) stock cooling fan and shroud - $65
10) coolant overflow tank, used but not gross - $15
11) RF fenderwell trim for WO2 car, needs refinishing, has one extra hole where a mudflap was once installed - $30
12) NOS GM, brand new turbo heat shield, never installed, still has factory coating on it - $75
13) 1 pair grey door pull straps, one crack on the top, rear side of one, if mounted with that part facing down, it is invisible, other one is nice - $45
14) 2 pairs of quarter panel extensions (not spoiler caps) - $20/pr
15) 2004R dipstick & tube, regular GM red style, not the turbo one - $20
16) catalytic convertor heat shield - $10
17) 1 set starter heat shields (both pieces) - $25
18) 1 set cowl/firewall heat shields, not the black HVAC one - $15
19) DS sport mirror, grey, remote - $30
20) PS sport mirror, grey, manual - $25
21) DS bucket seat hinge cover, grey, nice - $20
22) intermediate shaft, no tears in rubber boot (this is NOT the same shaft that was listed in Part 1 - that one had a tear, I found another one) - $30
23) 2 header panels, couple of mounting points are cracked, but both are good and very usable otherwise I woudn't have kept them to begin with, 1 gold, 1 grey, $50 each NO SHIPPING, pick up only.
Post or PM - thanks!!!