Spring Get Together Plans For Nc People?


Aug 31, 2002
Its only the middle of Feb but I thought I would see if I couldn't get some kind of head count for people that maybe interested in a spring get together in Hickory NC. We had one this past fall and had at least 40-50 cars and close to 100 people out. It was a big success.
I am just wondering how many people would be interested and when they would like to meet up. I already have a resturant lined up that will let us eat and then stay around to BS. I was thinking of trying to plan it for around the 2nd Sat in march. Please let me know your imput means alot. Thanks and hopefully we can have a bigger turnout this spring than last fall.
Sounds good to me. Hopefully we will hav a bigger turnout this time than last. Bring all your buddies along too.
We are in again. I think if you pushed the date up a little, it would give more folks time to plan.
A few weekends down the road

I think a little futher down the road (maybe?). I not for sure though. What kind of response have you had from the other boads? I'll be there what ever the date but would like to give some of the other guys time to plan and get on board. We had a GREAT showing of TR's last time and with a little more time for planning it could be even a better turn out. Keep us posted on what ever you decide on the date.
Right now it seems the majority wants the 15th. Which is still 3 weeks from now. If the people that say there gonna show do show then were looking at 40 cars right now, but thats all it was that was supposed to show last time, so I guess we'll have to see. Also if the turnout seems to be small this time i will try and do another one later in April.
Hopefully we'll have as many GNs come out this time as last. That was a rare sight to see that many Turbo cars in one place.
Brandon, please recap time, date and details for everyone. More folks getting on board that did not attend last Fall.
March 15th, 7 pm Fuddruckers in Hickory NC right on hwy 70 east. Lots of parking, a very cool resturant manager that will let us sit and BS outside (as long as we eat dinner there), and a nice little cruise area that usaully has some deceant cars out anyways. And the resturant is right on the corner where the First turn around spot is so u can see all the cars that are out and about as well.
OK guys/gals I have a new thread up with all the final plans of the dinner and cruise night along with details on a dirt cheap dyno day that smae day. PLease check it out and post up if you plan to attend. I need a head count for those that may be showing to dinner for the resturant. Thanks
Since its only a few days away I thought I would go on a put this up. It starts at 7 pm. Location is at Fuddruckers on Hwy 70. Please park in the Fuddruckers parking aarea so that we don't have any prolems from the police. But if your planning on showing please eat at the resturant they are being nice enough to let us stay and BS in their parking lot w/o any hassels. From the looks of it now I think we are going to have an awesome turnout. My cell # is 704-661-3152 (Brandon) if anyone needs to get in touch with me.

The weather is also supposed to be awesome. Partly Cloudy and 65 degrees. Can't ask for much better than that. I hope to see everyone there for a great night and lots of fun.