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Starter problem, wierd, HELP!


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The Money Pit
May 25, 2001
So I get home today and shut my car off. I go inside open my garage door then go back out and get in my car. I flick the ignition over and the starter engages and will not stop. I quickly turn the car off and the starter is still going! I frantically pop the hood and grab a pair of plyers and disconnect my battery. I reconnect the battery and push it into the garage. I look under the car and remove the flywheel cover. Thank god my flywheel is not chewed up. I try again to start the GN (with the ECM unplugged) and the same thing happens. The starter won't disengage once it is fired up. So I again disconnect the battery. What is up?:confused: Is it an ignition problem or starter?

By the way, got the 72's installed and the car was running awesome!
Do you think it is just the starter? I guess I could get a new one and test it out before I actually mount it up to see if it is something else in the ignition system.
yes, its definately the starter. the solenoid is more than
likely sticking. new starter time.