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State Of Emergency Never Ending?


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Sexual preference is a different story, altogether. As humans, we are all "VERY WEIRD" when it comes to sexual "eccentricities"...... ALL of us are fucking weird in our own ways.

However, this infinite different "sexes" stuff is pure bulllshit. You're a boy or a girl. After that, what you do with your life, well that's up to you.

The fact is, you can't force your absolutely non-scientific bullshit upon us, the "Normals". Get the fuck over it and live your own weird shit. (I might just buy some of your porn, :rolleyes: ) We really don't care all that much. Just don't think you have the right to push it down on us as "normal", behavior. We respectively decline your request.

You want respect? Give respect.
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Italian lawmaker calls for Gates' arrest.

Same for george soreass. iirc Hungary issued warrant for him and rumor is russia wants the old bastard too. Remember when the Israelis had a special unit that would go all over the world to grab nazis that escaped. That's what needs to be done with these people (?) like gates and company.
Really, who gives a shit about ILL-of-shit-hood, even the people who live there thinks it’s a shit hole.

Certainly true but they want the rest of the country to give them 45 billion dollars to bail them out of all their stupid over the decades. 20 billion of that for massive public pensions they knew they could never pay just to buy votes. McConnell is right, let them plead bankruptcy with and when the law is rewritten.
We're gonna lose at least House rep seat for sure and quite possibly another by the next election.
People are leaving this state in droves. JB is pushing hard for a "progressive" income tax.
Problem is got to change the state constitution to do it, got to get the people to vote for it.
He calls it a"fair" tax, got "dead eyes" Lightfoot on board and a super majority in both
house and senate,could be ugly if he gets it.
Just a ole central Illinois farm boy, not like me or my farmer neighbors can get up and move!
We're gonna lose at least House rep seat for sure and quite possibly another by the next election.
People are leaving this state in droves. JB is pushing hard for a "progressive" income tax.
Problem is got to change the state constitution to do it, got to get the people to vote for it.
He calls it a"fair" tax, got "dead eyes" Lightfoot on board and a super majority in both
house and senate,could be ugly if he gets it.
Just a ole central Illinois farm boy, not like me or my farmer neighbors can get up and move!

She's a ghetto POS. And her position and policies prove it out. Where the fuck did the Native American last name derive from?

Dad wandered into a ghetto bar off the rez and got lucky? Momma baby daddy held his feet to the fire cuz she knew he had gubment money coming in every month, a trailer on an acre and a new Ford truck every 2 years ?
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We're gonna lose at least House rep seat for sure and quite possibly another by the next election.
People are leaving this state in droves. JB is pushing hard for a "progressive" income tax.
Problem is got to change the state constitution to do it, got to get the people to vote for it.
He calls it a"fair" tax, got "dead eyes" Lightfoot on board and a super majority in both
house and senate,could be ugly if he gets it.
Just a ole central Illinois farm boy, not like me or my farmer neighbors can get up and move!

Yeah, IL and ny are in the same boat in that shitcago and nyc areas rule the rest of the state. Any more talk from IL about passing an exit tax for people wanting to leave?
Now they have freaking teachers as front line workers, hell, they're not even working. Farmers are way more a front line occupation because without them no one would be doing anything. Its also one of the most dangerous jobs in the country.
Mayor lightfoot, lmfao. How about Mayor "light in the loafers".
She's a ghetto POS. And her position and policies prove it out. Where the fuck did the Native American last name derive from?

Dad wandered into a ghetto bar off the rez and got lucky? Momma baby daddy held his feet to the fire cuz she knew he had gubment money coming every month?

Its a known fact that injuns can't hold their fire water and I think its baby momma that got lucky getting some poor drunk dude to hit it. :LOL:
She's a ghetto POS. And her position and policies prove it out. Where the fuck did the Native American last name derive from?

Dad wandered into a ghetto bar off the rez and got lucky? Momma baby daddy held his feet to the fire cuz she knew he had gubment money coming in every month, a trailer on an acre and a new Ford truck every 2 years ?

now for me that’s war talk, my wife is half Indian, she has two master degrees, as well as two PHDs, is fluent in three languages and can get by in two more. She is a MD, also a Bio inspection scientist. Also part of the Governor’s medical team. Don’t know of anybody on this site who could compete. Hello
Wasn't speaking about your wife, I speaking towards the POS mayor of Chicago. Don't read into it.
people in this day and age seem to like the new norm ....stay home and get paid from the gobment ...half my wives staff doesn't want to come back to boys are a different story ..we have been working since day one ..and I dare say they are not native to this sad state of America...part of me hopes for a great deterioration of all society and civilization as we know it put all who have no care in the sense of reality... to really suffer for their choices of laziness and depending on others instead of themselves to live... a huge wake up call..and get back to basic survival skills of living ... but this will cause great suffering and mass anarchy with senseless deaths ..but the truth is in the pudding... are you ready...I know I am...
people in this day and age seem to like the new norm ....stay home and get paid from the gobment ...half my wives staff doesn't want to come back to boys are a different story ..we have been working since day one ..and I dare say they are not native to this sad state of America...part of me hopes for a great deterioration of all society and civilization as we know it put all who have no care in the sense of reality... to really suffer for their choices of laziness and depending on others instead of themselves to live... a huge wake up call..and get back to basic survival skills of living ... but this will cause great suffering and mass anarchy with senseless deaths ..but the truth is in the pudding... are you ready...I know I am...

That's a lot in one paragraph and for sure some very very tough times coming on the horizon. Vast majority have led sheltered lives of ease and think they're special because biff and karen have told them. What's sad is those lazy people who have not planned are planning to fail so will try to take what they need from others. Most couldn't start a fire with a blow torch or use a manual can opener or know what one is.

Must be nice to have enough money and house big enough that your "wives" (are you Mormon) need a "staff" to help them. :LOL::LOL: