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It's alive! After 10 more hours last night, 2 of which were fighting the motor mounts again, the motor is back in and running like a top! I found that having one person under the car using a BIG pry bar to help guide the motor down and onto the motor mounts/bell housing makes life much easier. Other than that and some switched plug wires it went smoothly. Oh...I forgot, thanks to Julio for explaining the location of the oil cooler plumbing... I was freak'n cross eyed from staring at that crap. Once I fingered out that I had the wrong connecting hose, it all made sense. Best part of it all was giving the car a MUCH needed bath. After a few months of sitting in a garage without a cover, the paint was almost brown looking from all of the dust. I ran out of time today for a road test, that will have to wait until tommorow :mad:
Cometic advice

Hey Joe,

On the Cometics. If you notice a small water leak - throw in about 3 of the Bar's Leaks soluble tablets. Works for me. :D

And if the heads need to come off for some reason you can re-use the Cometics and long as you dry them off and coat them with some aresol Hylomar from Permatex. p/n: 81998 special order from NAPA ;)
Just got my motor back in a week ago and I had traces of metal in oil cooler so I did not re-install it. Car runs same temperture as before and thats with SAE-30 no synthetic yet and there is much more clearence now. Probably would have installed cooler if I could have found new one but they are not available. And with the money I've got in this motor not about to take a chance.
Sounds like an awesome motor. Still plan on going to Noble October 30 to beat on some Fords?
nwarky said:
Sounds like an awesome motor. Still plan on going to Noble October 30 to beat on some Fords?

If the price of diesel doesn't go down to a reasonable amount I doubt it. At the current price I would have to take a home equity mortgage to pay for the fuel! I just put 6 gallons of 92 in the TTA and that ran me almost $20...insane!!! :mad:
Scott231 said:
Hey Joe,

On the Cometics. If you notice a small water leak - throw in about 3 of the Bar's Leaks soluble tablets. Works for me. :D

And if the heads need to come off for some reason you can re-use the Cometics and long as you dry them off and coat them with some aresol Hylomar from Permatex. p/n: 81998 special order from NAPA ;)

The small metal can of copper coat from K&W also has Hylomar in it, that's what I used....advice from someone in Billy Anderson's camp. I initially cleaned the tops and bottoms of the gaskets with brake clean to remove any residue, then coated them liberly making certain not to miss any far so good. I have to say...those things are freak'n heavy duty pieces. If I blow one of those suckers, the crank is prolly going to fall out the bottom of the motor....or something ugly like that. The tollerences in this motor are nice and tight; I had 32-35psi of hot idle pressure :biggrin: The guy who did the machine work was SO anal about the tollerences, he bought 2 sets of bearings so he could pick and choose the ones that were closest to one another....real nice job. I was VERY surprised to hear that a few of the Cleavites were way off from the others in the set. I opted to try the teflon coated Durabond cam bearings this go around, we'll see how they hold up. I also have the cam shimmed out .040 due to some odd wear on the thrust surface that I, nor anyone else that looked at the motor can explain; almost looked like machine work from the factory??? One other thing to note is the quality of the OE piston rings. I typically run pretty high EGT's (1650º+) and the rings seem to be holding up well to this heat. Surprisingly enough many of the OE parts are of good quality. I wish I had the $$$ to girdle the block, but because of the overall cost to do this on a TTA, that was not an option this go around....maybe next time if there is a next time. For now I'm going to just enjoy the car and make a few more trips to the track before the season ends. With fuel as high as it is, I highly doubt I'll be towing anywhere far this year :frown: How is your fast car running?
Hi Joe .

its JD from fla been keeping up on your progress glad all is back together

hope to see you in BG next year btw how is eddie's car doing ?

thanks JD
What did you end up running for clearances on rods and mains?

When you say shimmed the cam, you mean on the thrust bearing? Maybe this is why the motor ate a cam some time ago??
Razor said:
What did you end up running for clearances on rods and mains?

When you say shimmed the cam, you mean on the thrust bearing? Maybe this is why the motor ate a cam some time ago??

What I meant was the guy made me a brass .040 shim to go between the cam and where it meets the block. Now the cam sits .040 closer to the front of the motor. As for the clearances, I'll look that up and report back, I can't recall right now.
jdsgnx said:
Hi Joe .

its JD from fla been keeping up on your progress glad all is back together

hope to see you in BG next year btw how is eddie's car doing ?

thanks JD

Nobody is more glad than me! Fast Eddie got his finished block back about a week ago and while mucking around looking inside he noticed that one of the webs that the center main cap bolts to was cracked pretty bad. The crack went into the threads. SO, he took it to a guy that says he welds those cracks all of the time with success. The crack was welded and is going in for another line bore with steel main caps this go he's down for at least another few weeks at best.

As for BG next year, if diesel doesn't come down to a more reasonable amount by then, I doubt I'll be there. Hell, for what it would cost in fuel, I could fly there in 2 hours!
I got the chance to take a TTA out today for an easy 50 mile drive. The engine runs like a top and feels real strong at just 10 oil leaks either :biggrin: I'm going to give this motor a few more easy miles before I lean on it at the track. I'm hoping that I will be able to put another hundred miles on it by next week or so....then we'll really see how it runs!! I'll tell ya, even after all the motors I've built, I still get a jittery gut the first time I run a new motor out. The only other change over the combo I had in BG is a ported intake manifold. I spent prolly 8 hours grinding on that sucker alone. Surprisingly enough the TB/doghouse were flush.
Hey Scott, did you know that Mark and Angie moved to Florida? He took a full time gig with FEMA.
EDIT: For anyone reading I made a mistake on the date. October 29 this year for noble. That was last years date...... Good luck with the new motor.
Both the rods and mains were set up at: .0015 to .002 max. It looks as though he got mine just a C hair over .0015.