steel main caps

gn powered s-10

New Member
Dec 10, 2003
where to buy all 4 steel mains for a stock block ??? want to be better safe than sorry later on down the road thanks guys

You might want to consider a girdle. You have to have machine work done to install one but so does installing steel caps. I think the general consensus is that the girdle will hold the bottom end of a stock block together more cost effectively than a complete set of steel caps.

Check out

Jason has dropped into the nines with a stock bock and his girdle!

Good luck,
Buzz White in Houston, TX (
yes i would rather girdle the block but i hear that its a pain in the butt to seal and i hear that the oil pan studs break alot and the last thing i need is an oil leak, correct me if i am wrong thanks guys
I've heard the same thing about leaking girdles but I've also read where people have solved that problem. I don't recall whether it was with silicone sealant, cork gaskets or what but I think a little research on any of the turbo regal websites will probably turn up a number of solutions.

I don't recall reading about problems with the studs (but that doesn't mean that people haven't had such problems).

If you go to the RJC Racing site, you will also see that RJC is now selling a crank scraper that will keep the oil from being slung onto the side of the block. I think that will go a long ways towards reducing oil leaks around the girdle as well (not to mention some minor HP improvements).

Good luck,
Buzz White in Houston, TX (