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Stock internals


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Jul 4, 2018
How much boost can the stock internals handle before breaking i have a stock t turbo and thinking about turning it up to 19 or 20 pounds. Thanks
Welcome Dr. Stock internals can easily handle 19-20 of boost on a stock turbo, but that is not the real issue. Have you started reading any tuning threads? If the car is not setup and tuned properly for higher than stock boost levels, it will cause knock (pre-ignition/detonation) which will cause instant damage, often catastrophic. Don't turn it up yet. Give us an idea of what your level of knowledge is on turbo Buicks and what modifications have been done to your car, and we'll try to get you there safely.
Well I'm just a novice i hooked up my scan master today. In sense of tuning im New to the concept. The car is basically stock when it comes to the electronics and engine. The car was neglected for like 4years , compression came back clean. I need a correctly calibrated MAF and new oxygen o2 sensors. And need to replace the file lines. I would greatly appreciate all the knowledge you give me. I want this car to be a crusier /sleeper that smokes imports and new 5.0 mustangs
While you're going through all the basics, I would start with a fuel pump (255 LPH), fuel filter, fuel pump 'hotwire' kit, adjustable fuel pressure regulator, fuel pressure rail guage, and Turbo Tweak chip from Full Throttle Speed. Correct fuel pressure is extremely important when tuning for high boost.

Use the search function on this site to search tuning, and just start reading. Here is some reading for basics and tuning copied from another current thread. It's a little intense for an intro but you will start to get the concepts;
Please follow advise given above.

Understand that your Buick V6 can make much more horsepower than it does in completely stock trim. But an unhealthy motor with the wrong maintenance procedures and in poor tune will quickly destroy itself.

This is very much true for all forced induced engines.

But there are very many Buick specific items you need to know.
Find someone with experience in your area that can help you even if you pay them. Detonation will kill the engine in no time flat.
Please follow advise given above.

Understand that your Buick V6 can make much more horsepower than it does in completely stock trim. But an unhealthy motor with the wrong maintenance procedures and in poor tune will quickly destroy itself.

This is very much true for all forced induced engines.

But there are very many Buick specific items you need to know.
Like specifically what ?
I would greatly appreciate all the knowledge you give me. I want this car to be a crusier /sleeper that smokes imports and new 5.0 mustangs
your going to have to put some work into it,and it depends where your going to run these cars.from a light,mid to low 20s of boost,sticky tires,shift kit,boost launch and your way out.3rd gear highway pulls are different and the stock turbo lays over up top.
To answer your initial question.... stock internals can handle more power than a stock turbo can make. Stock turbo is pretty much out of power at 21-22lbs boost. 20lbs boost is a good number to shoot for.

Get alky, a TurboTweak 5.7 chip and a MAF translator setup. Besides that you don't have to upgrade much to make the most out of a stock turbo... just make sure everything is in good working order.
The SEARCH button is ur friend..... question has been asked 10,000 times!
Everything in post #4!!!
Pronto, we have tried to offer some insight to Dr. Rinco in other posts, but here we are again with the MAF sensor, among other things, you are completely correct in saying “find someone local that knows what they are doing”. Either he doesn’t believe what we are saying, or will not read what we are posting. It’s a shame that with the advise that’s been given, this young owner is still oblivious to how much money it takes to maintain and keep our cars running.
Dr Rinco, read, read, read and read some more. USE the search function, open up your wallet to the tune of about $2,500 and get the necessary parts installed to get and keep your car running. If your still stuck on this “stock” MAF sensor, I have a working factory original off my 18,489 mile car that I will sell you for $175.00
Ya, you would think with the "Dr" moniker he would start to educate himself.