Strange Drivabilty Issue

Neal, the one thing I’ve noticed right off the bat from your DS files is that there is no reading for the Speed. Does the speedo work? Do you have the trans speedo cable unplugged?

The calculated LV8's are commanding a big fluctuation in the injector DC: as low as 4%. The other major sensor I/O (MAF/TPS/IAC/MAT) seem OK.

Also, you're getting trouble code 42 (C3I Electronic Spark Timing (EST) Failure), but this could be a residual code from the swaps.

Neal, I'd put a known-good cam sensor in, and take into account any potential timing mark issues that may come from the BHJ balancer (just a thought), to ensure that the sensor's signal is dead on at 25ATDC. Solve the VSS input problem, reset the trouble code(s), and see what happens then.
we are waiting on a new lower Speedo cable for the car to get the Speedo to work. the 42 was from a fault the other day and is corrected. I checked the BHJ damper when doing the install and the timing marks were on the money. The engine started and then the ca sensor was unplugged and drove the car did. it not improve at all. Bob Bailey and I have been working on this for a while now and Bob said if the car did the same thing with the cam senor disconnected it was not the cam sensor. I will get the speedo working and get more results.

notacarlo mentioned a stuck wastegate, I did notice around the time I started having problems the boost also started coming up very fast and early(but I dont know how high it will get because I dont like pushing my engine to the limit if I know there is something wrong with it). Could the intake backfire and stumble be due to the boost coming up too soon/fast and the fuel delivery not being able to keep up with it? As soon as it stops pooring here(next week) I'll check out all my sensors.

It was a very simply wiring concern. Just 2 wires out of place. Thanks to my friend TurboBob for pointing me in the right direction and all the time he spent helping me out on this one. Bob's stuff works great and is the benchmark that all others are compared to. Thanks to everyone that gave input. This thing hauls azz!!

What wires.

I have been watching and ready to offer any ideas but other members has said everything I had thought about.