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street legal or not?


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Aug 10, 2003
I was thinking about getting the smc kit and I was wondering if it was street legal or not.
Ya know, I asked myself that question three and a half years ago when I installed my $150 DIY kit (just kidding). How can I add this much horsepower and still be legal? There must be some law against it because most things are illegal. Practically speaking however, I wouldn't worry about. ;)
If you had just water in the tank I think it would be perfectly legal.

Not sure about the alky. with emissions stuff.

I certainly wouldn't worry about it.
For Off-Road use only..

Unless there is a carb certificate.

Me too no worry ;)
Here is the CA position. Water/steam/vapor injection systems are Category 1 (Items that are not of concern as long as the required emission controls are connected and functioning. No executive order is needed).
But since alcohol is a fuel, any reference to alcohol injection means that the executive order is required.

Now some of my observations and comments:
But many manufacturers marketed products as water injection systems and sold some over the counter additive. I suspect this was a alcohol based additive. Edelbrock Veri-jection comes to mind. Marketed as a water injection system, but sold an over ther counter power additive.
IMHO, SMC would be approved if it was marketed as a water injection system. When my DIY system is completed and installed, that is what I'm going to say to the smog thech that ask ("Whats that hose going to your up pipe?"). Also, SMC could attempt to claim that alky is not injected during CA ASM test, and therefore would not have an effect on the emissions testing. I have PMed SMC, but recieved no response:confused: .
Just throw yourself to the mercy of the smog technician at the emissions inspection station. :D
I know in AZ, the emissions station workers are like Bass. If they see something shiney they squack it. I f it is hooked up in a stealth fashion they will never even notice it. Besides they are completely clueless about older cars since they don't see 50 of them each day. I could tell them that my ProPain line is for an aftermarket Boost gauge and they would believe me:D :D but since I put split wire loom over the braided stainless line, I am certain they will never see it. If you are worried about it, remove the bottle from under the hood for emissions testing and they will be happy. Or just tell them it is a replacement bottle since the original one started leaking ;)
Never got your PM, hell, I don't even know how that works. If you're unlucky enuf to have smog inspections, I'd claim it as a water injection system, or remove it temporarily.
Originally posted by SMC
Never got your PM, hell, I don't even know how that works. If you're unlucky enuf to have smog inspections, I'd claim it as a water injection system, or remove it temporarily.

If you can email me at:

I'll send it to you in an email. I have some questions, comments and suggestions that may help you.
Different states have different rules.

Some outlaw alternate fuels sources, some outlaw "power adders". I think CT outlaws Nitrous as a power adder - I think Maryland does too.

But, how many times have you heard someone getting a ticket for Nitrous? The emissions guy saw my torque converter lockup switch and asked me how fast it ran on nitrous. He didn't care if I had nitrous in there or not.

Last I knew, water injection systems were perfectly legal, so it's a water injection system. The alcohol in there keeps the water pure so no mold grows in the tank, right?
Alky. keeps my water from freezing in the winter. :cool:

I use the same mix. in the summer too.

Needs to be consistent. ;)

Anti-freeze, anti-mold


Put some blue food coloring in there and tell them it's Windshield Washer Fluid!!!


Oh, I crack myself up!!!
Just watch yourself having fun making jokes in this forum. Some people are very thin skinned and get offended easily. If you say something they don't like, they whimper to the moderator. Then, you'll really be in trouble. :p Like me. :(