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New Member
Oct 10, 2001
If you're interested I've talked to the "special events coordinator" at my works corporate office and got him to sponsor Turbo Thunder this year by supplying T-shirts. You could design any picture or logo you want and all I need to do is get him a aprox. number of shirts and sizes and a time frame you'd need them. I didn't know how you'd feel about this so I didn't tell him anything for sure, but the offer is out there if you want it.

The only electronic boost controller I can get is the APEXi and I won't be able to get it for another month or two soooo..... Does your scoobie have the black plastic below the doors? It needs to be painted. I know just the guy to do it. :)

I'm in the proscess of making T-top holders and the way I'm gonna do it is to make individual T-top racks that would be modular so each person, or car, could decide if they want to stack them both to the left, butterfly them across the middle or any configuration a guy could want. I'll let you know once I get a few mod. holders done so we can position them in your car the way you want.

I have a lower lap top stand done for you if you want it. You'd have to check if it fits w/stock seats before I could take measurements of your lap top to make the tray. I've made a jig so I could duplicate the lower half of the stand, but each top would have to be made individually.

That's my latest update. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving(thanks Wanda :) ) and also that the holidays bring lots of cheer:D

Great job, Adam! Now that's one heck of an active Turbo Buick member. Thanks for your generous time.

Let me know when you're ready to do the T-Tops in my GN. I'm ready when you are. Also would like to polish a couple small parts while I'm at your place.

That sounds like a deal to me on the shirts. Will they do colors? I really liked the simple design on the Vegas 2001 shirts. A simple Power 6 Logo with the sponsor names surrounding it. I haven't thought of trying to design a logo but it shouldn't be too tough to make the words Turbo Thunder look cool :cool:

If anyone has any ideas let me know! I hope to have a date for the event this month. T-shirt sales could help the payouts...which is cool!
:) we could have a big pict. of a turbo with turbo thunder (name)comming shooting out of the exhaust side and all the venders names getting sucked in...:D

Just wanted to share tenative dates for TTV. The track is still finalizing their schedule so I can't confirm until later this month.

May 14th & 15th (the air would be great, but definitely concerns about the threat of rain, kids are still in shcool, etc.)

July 16th & 17th (this would work, little threat of rain, but the heat could be a problem again. I'd rather have heat, and be able to run than to send everyone home with wet/dirty cars and no timeslips)

Feel free to give me your feedback. If folks feel strongly one way or the other, we may still have time to influence the tracks decision.

Ps. I haven't done much work on a T-shirt design...saving that fun for 2004.
I was thinking of having Randy and Dan or Frank let me take a couple of digital pics of their cars together so I could play around w/changing them to sketches or something. Thought that would be pretty cool. If you don't mind I might work on a few ideas and e-mail them to ya DEL to see if it helps.

Dan I've just about got the jigs and first set of T-top racks ready(it gets pretty hectic this time of year.Trinas bro b-day in nov,Trinas b-day dec 10th, my bro b-day dec 14th, my b-day dec 18th, christmas and Trinas dad b-day in jan soooo.....). Soon though.


I'm totally open for ideas on the shirts. If it could have a T-Type and a GN that would be cool!

I'd like to get the Power 6 logo on there somewhere too.

Look forward to seeing your ideas.
By the way,

Happy Birthday Adum!

And I also wanted to mention that Woodburn is planning a BOP event for early September 2004. I don't have the date here, but it might even be over labor day weekend.

I'm all for you using my car for any pics you want. Maybe we could do it when you are ready to fit the ttop restraints into my GN. I'm just hanging out Dec 26 thru Jan 4. Holiday break time at Boeing.
shirt design

hi.. just thought i would let you all know i could probably help out with the shirt design if needed. i love that kind of stuff as i am a multimedia designer and also am infatuated with all that is Buick. just let me know if i can assist!

-Randy G
Originally posted by HYBRIDT
Just can't forget the GMC bretheren.;)

That was so nice of you to mention our little trucks. Want my truck for anything? As soon as I get the steering column fixed, I would be happy to bring it to a photo shoot LOL. My column is shot, the wheel acts like it wants to tilt and fall off.
Have you ever seen the picture of our SyTy Webring link or our Authority link? They are each a different picture of three different trucks parked so they are pointing away from each other. Buicks would look cool that way too.
Heres a link so you can see two different pics at once--
What do you think? Can be just cars, or cars and trucks, or whatever you want it to be :)
Just a posing idea :)
I have a lower lap top stand done for you if you want it. You'd have to check if it fits w/stock seats before I could take measurements of your lap top to make the tray. I've made a jig so I could duplicate the lower half of the stand, but each top would have to be made individually.

Sorry i didnt see this before now;)
Give me a call and maybe we can hookup:)
July is better for me....

July 16th & 17th (this would work, little threat of rain, but the heat could be a problem again. I'd rather have heat, and be able to run than to send everyone home with wet/dirty cars and no timeslips)

Its seems to rain a lot in may..

I have been rained on at my volvo swap meet on the 15 of may 3 times. July would be hot but more tune time for me :P


also up date picture LOL... ---->
