I tried to get some silvadyne (spelling may be incorrect, unsure). In Mi, it is prescription only according to the pharmacist. She said to use neosporin, so I have been. It is coming along. She did say that silvadyne is better in pain relief, but I really don't care about the pain. With back issues, I am used to pain.
That's a pretty gnarly burn Earl. Damn.
I am really happy I had a hoodie on. It was about 60° out, I actually was going to take it off, but left it on as the undershirt I had on looked really crappy.
After I said a few 4 letter words and the geyser stopped blowing out of the radiator I looked down and my hoodie was soaked from chest to belt area and steaming, pulled it off and threw it to the side. I know some got on my face, but was far enough away that it didn't seem to cause any issues. I could taste the coolant on my lips.
Anyways, thinking back, I did have the heater valve set to cold. I guess that is one of the areas the air was trapped at. I shouldn't have been doing this in a hurry, lesson learned.
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This is what I have exactly a week after the incident. Finally stopped blistering. Outer layer(s) of skin starting to peel. Can touch it again, but still hurts, especially where the wrist flexes.