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Swapped TPS Sensor, Got Cel Code, Seeing 5V, What Fixed Yours?


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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2002
Chasing a tip in issue, swapped TPS and lost the ability to set the volts, got -00 on Scanmaster. ECUGN shows TPS Fault and for some reason Scanmaster says Code 5.

ECU-IGN fuse is good, I'm getting 5V at the plug, I have alky but can't recall if that taps into the middle TPS data wire.

What helped fix yours?

Picture is of new Ac Delco tps and volt meter.
BTW, new Delco sensor 184 didn't have the logo on it.



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if swapping the sensor made things worse, then swap back...
AlkyControl has a harness that gets 5v and ground from the TPS circuits to run the MAP sensor.
you will have to reset the TPS settings in the ECU (see what they are right now and post)
I forgot to mention I swapped back, still nothing.

TPS reset in program was 0 for both parameters, it's not receiving the signal (which is the center wire probably on plug?)
Was like 28 and 828 I think before, now it finds 0 and 0 when I mash it, not good.

Even after I fix this, still not safe to drive, got fix the tip in stalling.
set the values to 100 and 900 manually for now. so we can chase the harness.
the center pin is the signal pin. using a voltmeter, black wire to the engine, measure the voltage on each pin while the sensor is plugged in
(push a paperclip in the back of the connector, called backprobing...P)

with no TPS it will suck to drive.

Was like 28 and 828 I think before, now it finds 0 and 0 when I mash it, not good.

Even after I fix this, still not safe to drive, got fix the tip in stalling.
Check for continuity between the middle wire and the ECU? Looks like C13 (Dk Blue wire)
yes, you can do it that way also. TPS wires (and IAC wires) are prone to breakage right at the connector because they get bent a lot from us fiddling with them so much.

C13 is correct

It sucked to drive, mega stumbling, lean spikes etc, can't believe it actually drove a couple blocks.

I'm unfortunately about to start a string of 15 hour days, horrible timing.

So if I have key on, check back off tps plug or at computer connector C13 and I'm looking for what on the meter, anything specific?

Thanks for the tips, much appreciated.
if you backprobe the connector. key on. there should be 5v on pin A, around .5v on pin B, and 0v on Pin C

at ecu connector, C13, you should see around .5v

Ok got out there after I worked out and showered, really this car. LOL

Key on, plugged into old sensor, probed back off connector by pushing them in and then traveling up along side each wire..

Top wire = 4.96
Middle wire = 1.13
Bottom wire = 0

Scanmaster still shows TPS as -00.

Middle wire seems high, that mean there's a short?
1.13 should read about 25%
probably not a "short". might be an "open circuit", i.e. a broken wire going to C13.
I presume that TunerStudio is reading the same as your Scanmaster?
TunerStudio reading -.01 TPS.

Damn, I'll roll back the wire wrapping, which looks great until you need to trace a wire, and see if there's something connected that broke off or it's old and got broken by something else. This might be my tip in stumble too because the car acted similarly but just at tip in.

Do you know if Caspers etc makes a TPS harness like his injectors to just go start to finish new or like 5ft?

Also, at 1.13 volts, how is the computer interpreting this voltage, like it's 25% loss?

Thanks Bob, really appreciate the time to help.
it sounds like there is an "open circuit" between the TPS plug and the ECU.
most of the time for these situations, the wire is broken inside the insulation right near the TPS plug.
The most common fix is to use a Caspers splice-end to replace the harness end and plug.

the harness could be broken elsewhere between the TPS plug and ecu, but thats less likely.
Got it fixed, it was a broken wire at the connector that was tapped into the Poston Volt Booster wire. I think Poston had a WOT feature that I never really used and it created a junction that snapped.

I used the Caspers plug splice since I was cutting etc anyways. Thanks Bob.

I tweaked the TPS to try to get it back to 0.0 and then in Tuner Studio MS I redid the ADC counts and it's now

Still got the 0% tip in stumble but at least this TPS data wire issue is resolved. Really appreciate the tip Bob, saved me time looking for a broken wire vs hunting for other possible things.


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