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Synthetic motor oil? What is best choice?


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New Member
Jul 27, 2010
What is the best engine oil for hot air cars? 10w30 is recommend in owners manuel. What about synthetic? My car is stock with 126,000 miles-runs strong and does not smoke.
I see you are fairly new to the board. Welcome

Please do a search on teh oil it has really been beaten to death.Tons of info

IMO dont use syn its not needed

Dino and zddp and rock on
ZDDP is all you need to know. If you change you oil often the brand and type of oil is all HYPE! Same HYPE is with different brands(not octane) of gasoline-there all the same. My 2 cents. Brad
What is "Dino" and "ZDDP"? Yes I am new to this site and new to the GN world. This is great site.
Dino is a brand of oil. ZDDP plus is a zinc additive for all engine oils which is needed for our flat tappet cams. Oils made today have eliminated the ZINC due to EPA rules. This additive can be found at Kirbansperformance and on e-bay among others. Brad
I thought dino meant

Dino is a brand of oil. ZDDP plus is a zinc additive for all engine oils which is needed for our flat tappet cams. Oils made today have eliminated the ZINC due to EPA rules. This additive can be found at Kirbansperformance and on e-bay among others. Brad

pretrolem based oil --I agree that syn. is over hyped. If $ is no object--go syn. If you're loke the rest of us--whatever is on sale. I like 10-40 for summer.
I agree with everyone on here, tho i haven't used ZDDP. Adding some type of motor additive is better then straight oil on any motor. I use lucas myself, along with CASTROL EDGE or any oil with lucas added to it.
I thought dino meant

Dino is a brand of oil. ZDDP plus is a zinc additive for all engine oils which is needed for our flat tappet cams. Oils made today have eliminated the ZINC due to EPA rules. This additive can be found at Kirbansperformance and on e-bay among others. Brad

pretrolem based oil --I agree that syn. is over hyped. If $ is no object--go syn. If you're like the rest of us--whatever is on sale. I like 10-40 for summer.
when i first got my car, one of my first experiments was running regular 10W30 Valvoline in it. after about 100 miles, it was cooked from the turbo.
i switched to the same Mobil 1 that i was running in my Nova- and it looked brand new after a few thousand miles.
but these days i just run one of the diesel oils- sometimes i run the synthetic Rotella T, but i think i've just got NAPA regular 15W40 diesel oil in it. if it didn't leak from the rear and front seals, oil pan gasket, and valve covers, i think i'd go back to the Mobil 1 since it ran the best on that oil.