Per GM Parts Direct, GM list is currently $90.85. GM Parts Direct current price is $53.60 & &12.86 Shipping & handling, bringing the total to $66.46 to your door. These parts are made in Canada, which is probably one of the reasons, or the main reason that thye are so expensive. I bought 4 brand new in the box about 1.5 years ago from one of the higher priced dealers on, and had them to my door for about $ 265 or so for 4. At that time, I could have had them to my door from GM parts for about $240 or so. As the tooling has already been made for these parts, I would think that GM will make them as long as there is a market for them, and as long as they do not have to make new tooling. They would be foolish not to. Turbofish38 (Eric Fisher, I believe)on this board can tell you whether they are still being made or not, and maybe how many they have on hand. My guess is that they only continue to sell them because we continue to buy them.