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Teppanyaki for lunch


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Active Member
Aug 2, 2010
Cruisin along this morning minding my own. Had the a/c blowin cold, o/d engaged, and cruise set at 48mph. When I look in my rear view and see a ricer (V-tec)hauling ass up behind me. I'm in the left lane and he moves over to the center lane to attempt a ricer fly by. Not today sucker!!
I smash the skinny pedal to the wood just as he reaches my right rear 1/4. He has a good head of steam and manages to get just past my door when the spool kicks in hard and i walk him like a 3 legged dog.

Get to the next light and I roll my window down, give 'em a grin and say " you know my a/c is on right?'' lol.
He shrugs his shoulders and says "I tried" lol.