Back in August of 1991 we did this to our 86 GN. Weather was about 80* and low humidity. The 350 was built to be full manual and we were running a B&M 3000 stall torque converter. Best pass of the day was 12.34, best mph of the day was 107.91 and the best 60' time was 1.623. This was with my father driving.
We went back a couple of weeks later with the 200-4R (and Art Carr 9" 3000 stall) when the temp was about 70* and low humidity, but now we were running into a strong headwind. The tranny wasn't shifting 2-3 very well and the best et of the day was 11.925, best mph was 110.56 best 60' was 1.538. This was with me driving.
With the 200-4r I made 3 passes that day in the 11.90's, 3 passes over 110 mph and 3 passes with 1.5xx 60' times. The worst 60' was 1.601, worst et was 12.008 and worst mph was 109.48.
At the time we felt that the B&M torque converter was too loose for our car, and my father didn't like manually shifting the tranny while going down the track. I am sure that with some work we could have gotten the TH-350 to work better for us, but it was easier to put one of our 200-4R's back in.
Good luck with whatever you decide,
Paul Beal