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The Awakening Part 6-14


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Bench Racing Hater
Aug 7, 2003
The Awakening Pt 6

Jeez Raven, slow down, I cant write that fast, you know? Love your story by the way. I dont know if this one compares to it, but nonetheless I hope you like it.

Part 6
Screams and the sound of shattering glass broke open the calm of Tyler’s sleep. As he sat up with a jolt, he whispered Amber’s name solemnly. He rolled over on the couch as he cried silently. He thought many things that night, but the most important one to him, that made him smile was of how he met officially met Amber in the first place.
The night they met was not your normal romantic night that you see in the movies. He was working at Perfect Pie Pizzeria, or P3 to the locals, on a Wednesday night just about to close up for the night. That was when she walked into his life. Tyler had always seen her in the halls at school, but always thought she was too beautiful for him and he would never have a chance with her. He hated his shyness around girls. She was with a few of her friends. They had just left the basketball game at the high school, and were still in their cheerleader uniforms. Tyler looked from behind the pizza making area, and walked up to counter, trying not to do something stupid. He walked up to the counter, into an open door that he was stocking with mozzarella cheese. During his descent, he thought of how stupid this would make him look. After he brushed himself off and stood to face the giggling girls, he closed the door and went to the cash register.
“Um… c-c-can I take your order?” he said nervously.
“We will take the large pizza with pepperoni and a large salad.” Said Amber’s friend Nicole barely containing her laughter.
“Ok… That will be 14.29. Anything to drink?”
“Oh yeah, 3 waters please”
“All right, total is 16.49 then” He glanced at Amber, who he realized just now was staring at him the whole time. Not in a way showing hilarity, but as if he interested her liking. As she noticed his glance, she looked away just as quickly as he had looked up at her. Nicole gave him a crisp $20 bill and he gave her the correct change in crumpled ones and coins.
“That will be done in 10 minutes, meanwhile your salad will be out in three minutes or so.” He said with completely regained composure, which surprised him. That once glance from Amber had given him his entire self-esteem back from his tumble over the make-table.
“Sounds good.” Amber spoke up as she lead the group to the dining room portion of the pizza joint.
As he cooked the pizza, he knew his manager would help no part in this process, but would be sure to take a part of his tips when he decided to get off his fat ass out of his office and away from his computer which never left
When Tyler took the salad and drinks out he interrupted their conversation which he greatly hated missing the rest of. He heard the girls giggle a little bit, but Amber said “Yeah, but I think he’s really-“ she cut herself off when she saw Tyler walk in with a pause in his step before he continued on. He wished he had stopped 3 feet before he entered the dining area so he could hear the rest of their conversation. He set down the drinks, salad, and dressing.
“Anything else I can get you right now?” He asked, expecting a “no” as he started to half turn before he even got the reply.
“Yes, can I get a pen, please?” Amber asked him in the sweetest voice that he had ever heard spoken.
“Sure, any color preference.” He said with a smile on his face.
This smile was greeted by her shining face, “Your choice, good man”.
“All over it” he said as he turned to find a girly color of pen in the building. He would have gone out and bought her a pack of her own pens if need be. He searched fervently to find a pink pen. This was his first option. All the entire store had was black pens. Tyler thought he was in the doghouse for sure on this one, as he slowly walked out there with his less than perfect finding.
“Here you go, only color we had.” He said glumly, not wanting to look into eyes and see the despair from this sub-average, non-girly color. He couldn’t help to look though. Tyler was too easily lost in those beautiful blue eyes.
“Perfect. Black is my favorite color, actually. I am glad you didn’t get me pink or some sissy color.” She said matter-of-factly.
Tyler thanked God on this one. “Sure thing; pizza will be done in five minutes or less.”
Tyler wanted to stay longer, but had to cook the pizza, stock, and clean up. The rest of the night went without incident.
“Here is your pen back, Tyler” she said with a smile as the trio of girls went to leave.
“Um, thanks Amber” he said slowly. He had no clue she knew his name.
“Talk to you soon.” She said with a wink.
He was all done and went to the dining area to clean up the girls’ table. What Amber had said when she left confused him some. When he got there, he picked up the napkins, bowls, and plates. When he took them all back to the garbage, he dumped them out into the bag, and noticed something written on one of the napkins. Tyler fished out the napkin. It said “Call me anytime – 1-923-834-9914 – Amber.”
Tyler remembered many great things about that wonderful girl. After two years, they both decided they wanted to take the ultimate step in their relationship. They made love on the night of their 2nd anniversary. It was completely perfect to the both of them. The pair never did it that much afterwards, because they were so enthralled with more than just each others body’s. Yes, life was perfect for this couple, until destiny threw them a curve that fateful night on the interstate. Tyler slept no more that night. He fixed breakfast to the sounds and light of daybreak. Kyle and James slept quietly on the floor, ready to awake within the next half-hour when breakfast was ready. Tyler watched the scrambled eggs cook, as he heard Kyle mutter “shotgun” under his breath from the living room.
I'm thinking you've got at least 2 more chapters to this.

so far, so good. Keep em coming please!
whats happening with this? its by far my favorite ongoing story and i want more!:D

seriously its really good and i, along with many others i'm sure would like to know how it ends.
It's here. Sorry, been really busy with school. Computer programming is harder than it looks. :) The story keeps getting extended because I want everyone to feel Tyler's true love for Amber, and how he can get over it, if he can. Thank you Denn for your support. Oddly enough, I am back together now with the girl that was in the dream. In a way, I am Tyler, and she is Amber. A lot of the little personal details, like Tyler working in a pizza place, his father dying of cancer, are all details from my life. I will try to have the next part done before then end of the week. That being #8, as #7 will be posted now. Once again, thank you for you support, and I hope you enjoy.

Oh yeah... Sorry if the story is somewhat generalized in the car speech. I want more people than motorheads like ourselves to be able to know whats going on before asking 100 car questions.
The Awakening Part 7 (sorry for the delay)

Part 7
“Rise and shine, boys. We have some work to do.” Tyler said happily as he served up three plates of bacon, eggs, and toast on the kitchen table.
“But, I don’t wanna go to school, mom” Kyle said as he rolled over.
“Call me mom again, and you might be talking out a different hole, now come on, get up you little girl.” Tyler said jokingly.
“Yessir! Captain, sir!” James said as he rose slowly and yawned.
As James walked past Kyle, Kyle stuck out his foot and tripped him. James stumbled about three feet before regaining his balance.
“That’s it, you’re dead now.” James said with a smile.
“Oh, am I now? We’ll see about that.” Kyle laughed back.
The two scuffled playfully for a few minutes until they both were lying on their backs out of breath. Tyler came over to help them up, but he should have known better than that. The pair grasped an arm each, and yanked him down with them before getting up and running away. Tyler walked into the kitchen a minute later and sat down.
“How far do you want to get down to today, Tyler?” Kyle mumbled through half-eaten scrambled eggs and bacon.
“I would hope to be down to the heads, at least. As you two know, though, these cars a bitch to work on.”
“Damn straight they are.” James said as he finished his first piece of toast. “Hey, man, thanks for breakfast, too.”
“No problem, had trouble sleeping last night.”
“Why’s that?”
“Food didn’t agree with me, I think.” Tyler said in a sad tone.
“Oh, ok.” James said as he and Kyle exchanged a glance of worry for their friend.
The three finished their breakfast and watched some TV before they went to work on the car. James was the first one to speak up.
“Tyler, have you been thinking of Amber a lot lately.”
“No more than normal, I’d say.” He said with a tired look on his face.
“Well, did you know that you pushed me back into the seat last night at that stop light with the cobra?” He said genuinely concerned.
“I… what? No.” He said in a confused tone.
“Yeah, you did. You said Amber’s name too. You know we are here to talk to you about it. We know you will never get over it, but it is killing US to see you how you are. If it wasn’t as serious as we think it is, we wouldn’t have mentioned anything. We know how you are too. You take responsibility for things that you cannot control. You—“
“I could have controlled it all. I should have seen that van; not looking the other way; I should have swerved less. I should have hit the brakes. I SHOULD HAVE SAVED HER ****ING LIFE.” Tyler said as he started to cry.
Immediately his two friends gathered around him and held his shoulders. Tyler didn’t fight them off, which they both expected. He just sat with his head on his arms over his knees on the couch.
“Tyler, it wasn’t your fault. We all know that. She wanted to go with you. ****, she ****ing BEGGED to go with you after you told her no several times. How many times do we have to tell you this?” Kyle said sympathetically, but forcefully.
“Don’t you think I know this? You two try to look into her parent’s eyes and see the look of blame and hatred boring into your heart. Well, whatever heart I have left. I always told her ‘that we are each born with a hole in our hearts, waiting for that someone with the right fitting piece to come into our lives.’ She was that piece. Now she is gone from me forever. You know how many times I have lied awake at night and wanted nothing but for God to strike me down right there, no questions asked. Just so I can see her beautiful face and hold her once more?” He screamed at them.
“Hey, you got us. We can’t replace Amber. Face it, no one can. She was an awesome girl. We are the two that were at your hospital bed all night. Oh yeah, the next day too. Oh, and the day after that, the day Amber passed away. All she could talk about was you, and kept asking if you were all right. We told her yes, because it was what she wanted and needed to hear. She didn’t want to hear that 48 hours ago you were dead for almost ten minutes, and might be a vegetable the rest of your ****ing life. Before she passed away, she said to tell you that she loved you and not to worry, she’ll be fine.” James said in an exasperated tone.
“How come you never told me this before?” Tyler said as he wiped the tears off his face.
“Because we didn’t think it was such a great conversation piece.” Kyle said.
Despite the situation, they all laughed.
“We love you Tyler. Don’t forget that. Amber is gone, but you still have three people who love you greatly. Most people don’t get second chances, but you did. Now make the absolute best of it all and live your life out remembering Amber only with good memories.” James told his friend as he wrapped his arm around Tyler’s shoulders.
“All right. How do you suggest I start living my life then?” He asked in a serious tone.
“By getting that ****ing car done so you can beat the hell out of Gavin, well at least in your car this time.” Kyle said excitedly.
“All right, what’s first?” Tyler said with a ghost of a smile.
“Oh, God. It’s a GN, that’s a tough question. Valve covers, intake, pulleys, heads, you name it.” James said.
“Let’s get to it then. We have too much work to do as it is if we don’t start soon.” The three headed to the garage with Tyler in the forefront. If it wasn’t for Kyle and James, Tyler would be nothing right now. They wanted him to work on the car, because they both knew it would take his mind off things, or confront his troubles, which they all ready had. The pair knew their friend was fragile, but didn’t know exactly how fragile, until this day. They will keep a close eye on him for now. Once the car is getting the hell torn out of it, his mind will only be on head bolts and shift kits, not Amber. Kyle and James each held a special spot in their hearts for her as well. She was one of the coolest girls they had ever known, as well as a good friend to each of them. The two didn’t want to make Tyler forget about her, but to move on to a point where he can deal with what happened that night on the interstate.
The Awakening Part 8

Part 8
2 months before the accident…
Gavin and his crew pulled up on Main Street and parked there. They were meeting up with some of their other friends from their side of town. Tyler and Gavin hadn’t met quite just yet, but soon their paths would cross.
Tyler had Kyle with him, followed by Sky and James in their cars. They saw the small group of nice cars parked on Main Street. Tyler turned in by Gavin’s car and turned off his Grand National. In its current state the GN was running low 12’s. He hadn’t done hardly anything to it yet. Tyler and Kyle got out and started to admire the black with silver racing stripes 1969 Z/28 Camaro sitting there.
Gavin walked over and started to talk to Tyler, very friendly-like. As they talked, Gavin said he ran a low 12 like Tyler. He asked if Tyler wanted to race. Tyler said sure and they went out to the local race road. The two lined up and started off. Tyler edged out Gavin by a half car. When they got back to Main Street, Gavin started **** with Tyler about that Tyler cheated, because nothing has ever beaten his Camaro. Tyler noticed someone staring at him, and it was a very good-looking girl standing with Gavin’s friends. Gavin turned around and noticed his girlfriend’s gaze before she turned away. This only escalated Gavin’s temper. He pushed Tyler. Tyler tried to explain his innocence to Gavin, but he would have none of it. Kyle and James stepped in before any punches could be thrown between the two. Gavin’s friends grabbed him as well and pulled him away.
“Go home and cry to your daddy.” Gavin yelled as he walked away.
“My father is ****ing dead, you piece of ****.” Tyler screamed at him as Kyle and James pulled him back.
The two put him in his car and they continued home, remembering each car that was there, so they would be able to beat the hell out of it in a race if they ever saw it on the street.
Every now and again one of each crew would pass on the road and engage in a race. Normally Tyler’s crew would get the win, and more and more, Gavin’s crew would get pissed. Gavin and Tyler ran into each other one night after a basketball game between their two schools. They were in Tyler’s hometown again at the McDonald’s, giving him the advantage if something were to break out. Amber was with him this night.
“Hey, *****. I want you and your piece of **** v6 here two weeks from now at 8pm. We are going to have ourselves a little bit of a race on the interstate.” He said before he winked at Amber and slid into his car.
Now it was Amber’s turn to be pissed off, and boy could she get mad at someone if they pushed her the wrong way. She screamed some things you wouldn’t expect to come out of her beautiful mouth at Gavin as he drove out of the parking lot.
On the way back to Tyler’s house, Amber begged to go with him for the race. Tyler had never raced on the interstate before and said no to her all night. Then to make her quit begging, he said he would think about it. She had been with him on other races, but just impromptu ones on the street from stoplights, rolls, everything. The interstate was dangerous on a weekend night at 8pm. After a week of begging from Amber, he decided to let her go with him. At the time, he rationalized that it wouldn’t hurt anything to let her come with. How wrong he was.
Hell yea thats scary. That kids gonna park that thing in the side of some civic if he ever gets mad at somebody:)
The Awakening Part 9

Part 9
Tyler, Kyle, and James were all working furiously under the hood of the GN. They had removed the front assembly and were working on the intake. The eight fluorescent light bulbs hanging above them were guiding their way. Kyle was doing most of the bagging of bolts and labeling of vacuum lines and all that good stuff. Tyler was trying to get the last bolt off the left head before he threw his wrench down in disgust and started to remove the master cylinder.
The three had worked on so many cars that it was all second nature to them to be working together on the car. How often they helped each other, they could never count. James was working on the right head and exhaust manifold bolts. Since the air conditioning had been removed, it was easy. Tyler’s old car had the huge box sitting there, and had to remove five other things just to get one head bolt off. Where the huge clump of air conditioning components used to be, laid an AC delete plate, probably off another g-body that didn’t carry the option.
“Pass me the 9/16 Kyle.” Tyler said in an exasperated tone.
“Sure thing, big guy.” Kyle said as he handed over the socket bit.
“Once we get these heads off, Kyle, I will need you to run them to the shop to get them ported. Meanwhile, we will start to remove the trans.” Tyler said as he removed the master cylinder from the engine bay.
“All right. They know they’re coming, right?” Kyle asked.
“Yep, told Mike sometime today. They should be done in a week.”
“Sounds good.”
As they got the heads removed, they looked practically brand new. They were aluminum, but hadn’t been ported yet. Tyler and James wrapped each one of them up in an old shirt and saran wrap to keep the shirts on the heads. Kyle carried them out to the car and pulled away.
“This car has a hell of a lot of potential.” James said as he slid underneath the GN on his creeper.
“Oh, I know. I can’t wait to get it going.” Tyler said with excitement.
Tyler and James just got the trans down to where they only needed to take a few more bolts off before Kyle got back. They had a small stand underneath it, holding it up for when it came down. When the last bolt came out, Tyler and James slowly eased the trans onto the cart and pushed it out from underneath the car. They lifted it onto the workbench.
“Well, that seems to be it.” Tyler said as he watched the fading sun set into the western sky.
“Damn, that went fast. Last time it took us ages it seemed like.” James said.
“Yeah, but this car is better set up for drag.” Tyler said as he threw the car cover over his car.
“Well, that’s true.” Kyle said, and then added. “What are we doing next then?”
“Wait for the heads to be done. In the meantime, I will be working on this trans. If you want to, just come on over, won’t bother me any.”
“Sounds good.” James said.
“Sure does.” Kyle chipped in.
“What are you two fools up for tonight?” Tyler said with a mischievous grin.
“I know that look. Why, you got something planned?” Kyle said with a smile broadening on his face.
“Well, are there any parties going on tonight?”
The Awakening Part 10

Part 10
Tyler, James, and Kyle arrived at the party at around 9:30. The three moved into the party and started talking to their friends. Some of Amber’s friends were there as well, and they talked to Tyler. They asked him about the new car he was building up and stuff. He said he was building up the same kind of car he had. He kept it simple, because they were cheerleaders. If he went into turbo’s and blow-off valves they might get lost easily.
After a few minutes of conversation, there was a lull. Tyler glanced over the heads of the girls in front of him and noticed Amber’s friend Nicole, the one who had been in the pizza place with Amber that night they first met. Nicole glared at him from across the room. Ever since the accident, she has never talked to him, or visited him when he was in the hospital, or laid up at home.
The girl he was talking to, Michelle, looked behind her and noticed the glare too. She looked back into Tyler’s sweet blue eyes and saw the hurt in them, then saw them wince. She realized he was having a flashback or something of that sort. Michelle grabbed his arm and took him to one of the bedrooms in the house. She said they needed to talk about Amber.
Tyler felt uncomfortable in this room. He thought ‘I hope Amber doesn’t find out’. Tyler soon realized that from her place in Heaven, she all ready saw.
Michelle pushed Tyler onto the bed and straddled his waist with her knees. She took his hands and put them over his head, then bent down to kiss him. He kissed back at first, but after a second of it, he overpowered her and rolled her over and got up from the bed and left the bedroom.
James came running up to him.
“What the hell was that all about?” James said to him in a low voice.
“I saw Nicole and she had this pissed off look on her face. Before I could even react, Michelle grabbed my arm and took me in there. She said we needed to talk about Amber.” He said; still surprised.
“So, what? She was one of the hottest girls in our school. You are going to let that slip away?” Kyle asked as he came up to the pair.
“You want to? Go ahead, she is ready.” Tyler snapped back.
“You have to say something to her, Tyler. She is going to be pissed off and we don’t want that.” James said.
Tyler agreed to go back in there, only because he knew how some cheerleaders can start a rumor that could make it to Europe before you could repeat what was being said.
“Michelle? Are you ok? It’s Tyler.” He said as he opened the door to the bedroom.
“Yeah.” She said as she pulled her wet eyes from her hands.
“Hey, I am sorry about that, I really am. You are a beautiful girl, and if I could, I would, but although Amber is gone. I am not ready to move on yet.” He said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
“I understand. It should be me that is sorry, not you. Also, thanks. You always were extraordinarily nice to everyone. I was always jealous of you two. You were always so happy, your eyes could tell it all when you were by each other’s side. When you were away from each other, you looked sad. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” She said with a smile and gave him a hug and peck on the cheek.
“I never believed what Nicole said to you after your accident, truly I didn’t.” She said, genuinely wanting his approval.
“Oh really, what did she say?” He asked with a hint of sarcasm.
“That you were always an asshole to her, and that you treated her badly. Also, she said that you never actually loved her, just wanted the social end of the deal. So you could be popular.”
“She said that?” Tyler said as he sat back like he was slapped hard in the face.
“Every word of it.” She said, noticing the hit he took from the words she had just spoken.
“I just think it is because she blames you for losing her best friend. I don’t blame you. From what I hear, you did your best. I know about drag racing on the street. My brother got his leg broken in a wreck during a race when he lost control and flipped his Trans Am. It can be dangerous, I know.” Michelle said as she put a hand on his knee and went to stand up.
“You just do what you have to do to make yourself feel better. Don’t worry about Nicole either; she is just being a bitch. Want to know a funny secret about her?”
“Sure, why not?” He said, as she bent down and whispered something into his ear and gave him another peck on his cheek.
“Thanks for helping me, and for the secret.” He laughed as he stood up to leave the room with her.
“Thank you too, and no problem. Use that wisely.” She said as she opened the door to leave.
James and Kyle were standing there waiting for screams of ecstasy or for them to come out. Finally the two came out. Tyler looked to be in a better mood now, and Michelle looked happy as well.
“So… you polish the torpedo, captain?” Kyle said and gave Tyler a little push.
“Nope. Had a good talk with her though. Want to know something funny?” He asked with a smile on his face.
“Sure.” His two comrades said in unison.
Kyle and James started busting up laughing and looked over at Nicole.
“Seriously? Michelle told you this? Wow, that’s harsh.” James said barely containing his laughter.
“Sure did. After all she has said about me, I feel she deserves a little joke.” Tyler said with that mischievous grin on his face.
Tyler, James, and Kyle all walked over in her general direction. She was talking to someone they didn’t know, but looked pretty preppy to them. He had the Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue on him it seemed like. She was all over him and they looked about ready to leave for their own party of two.
“So, Nicole, how is that medicated shampoo coming along?” Tyler said with a straight face.
“Yeah, we hear it is highly recommended to rid lice off of any body part.” James pitched in.
“What are you talking about?” Nicole said, trying to act innocent.
“Yeah, what are you talking about?” Her “friend” said.
“Oh, you didn’t know. Nicole! You are always forgetting to tell your partners this, aren’t you? Remember that one guy a few weeks ago at the party that you left with? Well, that isn’t all he left you is it?” Tyler said now with a widening smile on his face.
“Shut up!” She screamed at them.
“That must be all itchy down there and stuff. I don’t know how you stand it.” Kyle said as he jumped around holding the crotch of his pants.
“Seriously, they must do a lot of crawling around.” James said with a laugh.
“Umm… Nicole. I just forgot that I have a game or something tomorrow morning. I got to get going. I will, um… talk to you later. Bye.” Her “friend” was heading for the door and in a hurry.
“You guys are the biggest group of—“
“Not so funny now is it? Maybe next time you can say some of this **** to my face instead of behind my back. You know it wasn’t my fault, so **** off, whore.”
The group gave their quick good-byes as they hurried towards the door, so they didn’t have to feel Nicole’s wrath. They got outside the door and started screaming in their glory. The night was young, but they decided to call it a night, because they were dead tired from the day’s work.
The talked about the good old days on the way back to Tyler’s house. They even talked about Amber some, without Tyler getting visually upset. The inseparable trio got back to Tyler’s house and popped in Old School. They laughed at that too. Tonight there was a noticeable change in Tyler. It was good to see him back to where he was before the accident. Nothing would replace Amber, but damned if they weren’t doing their best to.
The Awakening Part 11

Part 11
Nothing stopped the three once they got started back on the car. They refinished the motor in two days. The trans was put back in all ready. Sky, Josh, and the rest of the crew were over to see it’s unveiling. Tyler christened the car, but obviously not with a champagne bottle. He had one piece left to put on the car. He ran to his room and grabbed a vinyl sticker. Tyler placed it just below the driver’s side door handle. The sticker read “For Amber, My Angel”. No one in the room had dry eyes as Tyler backed away from the car.
Tyler was just going around the block per each of them. Later that day, he was going to head to the dyno place on the other side of town. They were all amazed at it. The entire crew knew it was faster than the last one. Quicker spool up, better top end, just plain better. No one was more excited than Tyler was that day, nor prouder.
The crew stopped admiring, and headed over to the dyno shop in full force. If you saw this band of cars driving down the road, what would you think? James tried to run the GN with his skyline but stood no chance at all. He swore he saw the left wheel pull up at least 2”. They all pulled into the dyno shop and parked. Tyler pulled his car into the bay and got hooked up by the techs working there. Tyler was estimating 500-550 hp. The first pull yielded a 517hp/602tq run. His second run after some tuning bumped up to 531hp/619tq. His third run was a perfection tune and run. It didn’t boost much, but horsepower is horsepower. This pulled a 537hp/628tq dyno sheet.
Tyler then used their ¼ mile run on the dyno machine. He posted a very explosive 10.772 at 124.09 mph. Everyone in the crew was ecstatic. Tyler was ahead of Gavin by .2 already.
That weekend the crew headed to the track for the last run of the season before the track went down. It was perfect turbo weather. The temperature was 45 degrees and the humidity was at 24%. Gavin was there again this time. Tyler felt himself starting to get a little pissed off just at the thought of him. Tyler took a run down the track just to check everything out and make sure nothing was off par. Everything was perfect that night.
Tyler’s crew walked over to Gavin’s crew’s area. Tyler did the talking this time.
“Want to run me?” Tyler said.
“Name your price. I don’t race for free you know.” Gavin said.
“$200 sound about right to you?” Tyler said sternly.
“Yeah, meet me in the lanes. Heads up race. Red lights count as a loss, too.” Gavin said with a smile on his face.
The two got lined up in the staging lanes.
“We have ourselves a money race, folks. $200 between the ’69 Z/28 Camaro and the ’87 Buick Grand National.”
The crowd gathered at the fences and people walked in from the pits to watch. It wasn’t big money, but people knew this was for more than money.
Gavin laid down a long, smoky burnout, pleasing the crowd. Tyler laid one down too. The whistle from his turbo bouncing off of everything. It seemed to drown out everything. Gavin pulled up to the prestages a half second before Tyler tripped his. Gavin inched into the stage light as Tyler lit up that amber light as well.
Flash, flash, flash.
The green light lit and the two cars launched. Tyler pulled out of the hole, which was expected. Gavin started to even it up around the 1/8th mark. Tyler saw his lead decreasing into Gavin’s lead. Tyler knew he had lost at that point. Gavin’s board flashed as they crossed the finish line a car ahead of Tyler.
When the got back to the pits, Tyler walked over with his guys to pay Gavin his money for the race.
“I knew you didn’t have the car to beat me. Maybe you just couldn’t handle it again. Give me my money, bitch.” Gavin said in a gloating fashion.
“You won, but it was because my car had a bad start. I want another race. How about for slips this time?”
The Awakening Part 12

Part 12
“Do you really want to lose that car you just built.” Gavin said taking his cash from Tyler.
“I just want to know where I stand. I had a bad start like I said.” Tyler said, faking how pissed off he was.
“Sure, then. Meet me in the lanes in 20 minutes.” Gavin said, thinking about what he would do with that car.
“All right. I’ll be there.” Tyler said as he turned around, disguising his smile just long enough.
Tyler walked back to his pit area, still smiling.
“What the hell are you so happy about, you just lost $200 to Gavin.” James asked as he gave Tyler an odd glance.
“You’ll find out soon enough.” Tyler said with his trademark mischievous grin spread all the way across his face.
“Ummm… ok. Are you racing him again?” Sky asked.
“Yeah. For slips.” Tyler said quietly.
“What? Are you ****ing crazy? We just spent 2 solid weeks on the car. I am not going to let you throw it away. I am going to go tell him the race is off.” Kyle said as he started towards Gavin’s direction.
The smile came off of Tyler’s face.
“Kyle! You seriously think I would race for slips without knowing I would win? You notice anything last race? How I let off just enough so he would beat me?” He said in a way so Kyle would understand what he was doing.
“Oh. You’re an asshole. I like it. What happened to the nice kid I used to know?” Kyle replied back with a grin on his face now.
“He is around here somewhere. Tell me when he gets back, would you? I have to race now.”
The Awakening Part 13

Part 13
Tyler donned his racing helmet and went to the staging lanes. Already information had leaked to the announcer.
“Another race folks! This one is winner takes all! The same ’69 Z/28 Camaro vs. the ’87 Buick Grand National. Yes ladies and gentlemen, this if for pink slips! One race for the other’s car.”
More people crowded the fences and bleachers this time than last, as if people just drove in to watch this one race. This time Tyler was in the right lane instead of the left. Gavin looked over and saw the sticker honoring Tyler’s only love. Gavin pulled up first, now with a drop of sweat rolling down his forehead.
Gavin did another huge burnout like last time and the crowd applauded. The hoops and hollers of the crowd calmed his nerves for now at least. Tyler got his back tires into the wet box and spun his tires and his turbo furiously, letting everyone know he meant business and nothing less this time.
Gavin tripped his light first then Tyler. Tyler then tripped his stage and began to build boost as Gavin lit his stage light. Gavin started to rev up as well.
This is for you Amber.
I will never forget you.
I love you, always.
The Awakening Part 14 - Final Part

Part 14
The light burned green. Tyler jumped out of the hole hard. Gavin soon followed. Tyler pulled a half car before the 60’. The Camaro started a little rally early. Tyler saw the Camaro start to inch on him again. He knew he might be in trouble for real this time, no ****ing around.
Gavin was at his door now and still inching. Tyler was wondering what the hell happened this time. He didn’t even run all out last time. He had turned his boost controller down to ¾ --
“OH ****!” Tyler reached up for his boost controller and turned the knob to max boost.
This happened just in time, because the Camaro was about in the lead at the 1/8th. When Tyler turned the knob, his car pulled on the Camaro, as his engine revved higher. There was about another ¼ of the track left. Tyler only pulled on the Camaro.
When the GN finished it was ahead of the Camaro by a car length. Tyler turned and drove to the time slip shack to grab his winning slip. Gavin was right behind him, hitting his fists against the steering wheel.
Tyler pulled back into his crew’s area and parked. All his friends came running from the track area screaming at the top of their lungs. Kyle and James were in the lead of the pack. Tyler thought if you saw this happen on the street, someone was liable to go to the mental asylum. When the crew reached him, Kyle tackled him to the ground, as James piled on.
“OH MY ****ING GOD!!! YOU DID IT.” Kyle said as he gasped for breath.
“You are ****ing crazy, Tyler. I can’t believe you did that.” James said as he helped Tyler back to his feet.
“Let’s go get my car.” Tyler said trying to hide his excitement.
Tyler and the rest of his crew walked over there, not knowing what to expect. When they got there, Gavin’s crewmates looked about ready to start a fight with them.
“Back down you guys.” Gavin said, obviously not happy.
“Here are the keys to my, uh… your car. I hope you’re ****ing happy.” Gavin said to Tyler.
“Thanks.” Tyler said as he took the keys from Gavin.
“I can’t believe I let you hustle me. I hate to admit it, but I am impressed.” Gavin said as he stuck out his hand.
Tyler met his hand with his and shook.
“You know Gavin, I almost feel sorry for you. Almost.” Tyler said as he started the ’69 Z/28 Camaro and drove away.
Anyone got any comments on this. Liked it, loved it, disliked it, hated it, it was all right? Anything would be appreciated.
Originally posted by nwarky
I loved the story it was great. Maybe a sequel?????? (sp)

There may be a sequel, but not right away. My REAL GN comes first.
Love it

Just to let you know I love the story. It strikes home with me because I am building a GN in the Memory of my little Brother Allan who passed away in a car accident. I can totally relate with your story, you have done a great job and believe it or not, your story just gives me more strength and motivation to finish my brother's car. Thank You

Paul Simmons